Review : |
The writers get a lot of credit for this episode. To me, the great moment was Soren's speech to the court, which really reminded me of Shylock's "prick us, and do we not bleed". I also liked Captain Picard's actions at the end in reserving judgement, since it kept me guessing as to what he was really thinking. He obviously knew what Riker and Worf had been up to (the J'Naii authorities would have gone straight to the Federation ambassador, who would have been on the comm to Picard like a shot) but he handled the situation very carefully. I half-expected him to tear a strip off Will, but he did not. Was this implicit approval, or disapproval and a reluctance to act? Who is to say? The devil is in the detail, and for once they got the units for energy and power *correct*. The "phadar" system for mapping the anomaly was good as well, I'm surprised they do not use it more often. My one criticism is that it was a little slow in places, and I'm a harsh marker. As for the morals, to say anything would be to lift the lid off a very large can marked "worms". Like Picard, I reserve judgement. |