Review : |
I agree with the above review, including being a Voyager fan - I used to watch TNG now and then but Voyager grabbed me with both hands and made me a regular watcher - but over time I have come to think of DS9 as the best of Trek. This episode is one of the few times DS9 refers to anything about Voyager and it's always welcome to see the Doctor and his creator. There are a few good laughs here, my favourite being O'Brien chuckling as he makes the Bashir hologram walk into the wall, but I feel this episode is being used to "reset" Bashir's character and make him appeal more to the fans by giving him a super-brain. This episode pales next to the Dominion War arc but I suppose the American audience needed some light relief from all the drama. Originally, Bashir's dad's Cockney accent made me grimace but now I realise it is one of the only times you'll hear a genuinely decent attempt at an English accent on American TV. They normally get it horribly, horribly wrong. |