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Caption Competition

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22 Jan 2006

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Name Caption
Wacky Contrary to Later Opinion, Starfleet Security Officers were indeed Merry Men.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Tiberius There once was a Russian named Chekov
Who hadn't much talent to speak of.
When encouraged to dance
He put on tight pants
And leapt several feet from the deck off.
spock100 Further proof that Star Trek was merely communist propoganda invented by Gene Roddenberry.
UHURA: Comrade, that's incredible! How did you do it?
CHEKOV: Simple, I used communism!
MCCOY: I'd pay big money to see you do that some more... except we don't have money in the Federation.
ALL: Hooray!
Aeon *Crew Singing to the music of YMCA*
Its fun to stay at 'D' 'I' 'T' 'L'
Silent Bob Things hadn't been the same on board the Enterprise since Chekov joined the Natural Law Party.
Nemesis Red Bull.....It Gives You Wings
Zeke Thorne Scotty: What's with him?
Bones: I just whipped him up a batch of Old Earth medication called "Viagra". He's been hanging in the air with that stupid smile on his face for twenty minutes.
P47 Chekov: "...and then I laughed at the Klingon and said that he couldnĀ“t attach me to the ceiling even with my right arm glued on my back and my feet glued to my thighs. And then..."
DanielB Chekov: "My ass is caught in the elevator door! And its going up!"
And there was much rejoicing.
The Steve Hey hey we're the monkees!!!
Griddles The crewmembers clapped along, not realising Chekov was hinting at the tribble stuffed down his pants.
Hisrak And somewhere in the depths of space... the clever-dumb balance is restored...
Brendan A deleted scene from the episode in which some of the crew are striken with the deadly Riverdance virus.
Bryan Moore While entirely unnecessary, the Enterprise's cloaking chairs were a big hit!
Admiral Dio Checkov's Annual Lord of the Dance Contest
FL Chekov: What are you laughing at? Untie me!
Reg. YYYYYYYYYYYYYYOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! Who put that needle there?
Steve WD see, white guys CAN jump!
Lobster Kirk: "Who out of you underused characters wants more screen time in this episode?"
Chekov: "ME!! MEEEE!!!"

Entries : 335People : 129

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,303 Last updated : 22 Jan 2006