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Caption Competition

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4 Dec 2005

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KurdtLives These scenes were very confusing for Trek fans, as they could not decide what to drool over: the girl or the set?

Special Mention

Name Caption
Swift Is it just a coincidence that the most popular Enterprise plot arc is the one where Hoshi is a slut?
The Wormhole "Attention people at Paramount, I, Hoshi Sato, and my crewmate Travis Mayweather have spent the past four years being neglected on this show. Now the stars have been killed or otherwise incapacitated. We are taking over. And in our lead, Enterprise will get a 5th season."
Daniel Anderson Hoshi: Attention Fleet Headquarters, unless we receive your immediate surrender, we will inflict upon you a 5th Season of Enterprise.
Sondak Hoshi: "Do you know the Klingon saying? Plot leftovers are a dish best served cold."
dunkellic what do you mean, we were "cancelled"?
Lobster Operations officers wore red, command officers wore gold - and women wore less...
Cmdr Pyett I'm too sexy for my uniform!
XZB Even with all of the other advances in technology, education, and the advancement of the human race as we know it, the primal urge to stare at a hot girls butt when shes not looking is still dominant.
Xavier Mayweather:I like big butts and i cannot lie...
Mikey "Those Orion girls were right - show a little skin and you can make these guys do anything you want!"
Researcher "Does this outfit make my arsenal look big?"
Capt. Jethro Hoshi: Is that a type 2 phaser in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Jack Hoshi:Aye, captain, setting uniform to stun.
Lazar The Empress has no clothes!
drow Mayweather was at the top of his game. He'd successfully navigated through a minefield of loyalties and now stood at the side of the most powerful woman on Earth. But he couldn't shake the strange feeling of impending doom he'd had ever since putting on the alternate universe uniform...
Jeb No entry, just thanks for posting this pic. O.O
kristofer pearson like Oh my god i am so totally a good officer.
Tsukiyumi Starfleet Command: "Why should we surrender to you?"
Hoshi: "This ship incorporates Phaser technology instead of Phase Cannons!"
Starfleet Command: "So, what's the difference, other than power output?"
Hoshi: "Uh.. I think they.. Well, they seem to.. They're just better, okay!"

Entries : 374People : 114

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,674 Last updated : 4 Dec 2005