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Caption Competition

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30 Oct 2005

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Name Caption
Stevo Reed: "When they said i was dressing up to go to the ball, this wasn't what I had in mind."

Special Mention

Name Caption
Stan Malcom: Cripes!
Archer:*off screen* What is it Malcom?
Malcom: It''s Hitler's head in here!
Archer: Why do I feel another time travel episode coming on?
1701green Reed: I thought they said that these new Ipods will be easier to use.
Bryan Moore Reed stares in amazement at Biggus Dickus's left sidekick, Testaclees Maximus.
Zeke Thorne Reed: If this thing is a Romulan design, shouldn't it be, like, green? Or have, y'know, a bird or something on it somewhere?
Roach Rubix cube of the 22nd century
Captain Feedback "Uh, Captain . . . there is a gentleman named Mr. Cavor in here and he wants to know if we can point him in the direction of the Moon."
HCM Brain Candy And Reed raised his voice unto the heavens and said, "Oh Lord, bless this thine Holy Handgrenade 2.0, that we may blow thine enemy vessels to tiny bits, in thy mercy. The number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three.
James "Explore strange new worlds" they said..."seek out new life and new civilizations" they told me...THIS WASN'T IN THE BROCHURE!
DanielB In the 22nd century, Terry's Chocolate Oranges became a little more complex and a lot larger.
BikerWolf Reed: "'Go disarm the mine' the captain said. 'It'll be a ball' he said. I guess I should be grateful he didn't say 'It'll be a BLAST!'"
drow "You're not gonna believe this, but its a little tiny shuttlebay, filled with klingons..."
RV "Those Suliban cells ships keep getting smaller."
FL Archer: "Hurry up, Reed. We don't have a three-part arc for this!"
Robert W. When word spread that the NX-01 ship had balls, many people merely took it as a saying.
The Steve Reed: Captain, I'm releasing Manny Coto from his escape pod.
Archer: Good. T'Pol, what are our continuity levels?
T'Pol: Rising captain, along with our plausibility rating.
Archer: Excellent.
Swift Reed discovers the Bajoran Orb of continuity-scrambling.
EMH_MkI Reed: Captain. The mine's communicating to me... it's saying "get this ship off my ass..."
Mikey "NOW we'll see who wins the Easter egg competition!"
Sir Joseph Bazooka Malcolm:"Are You sure that It's Romulan Sir".
Archer: "Thats what the Book says, Why?".
Malcolm:"Well, Its got Fabrique en Francais stamped in here".
Archer: " You know the French, They'll sell mines to anyone"

Entries : 436People : 154

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,167 Last updated : 30 Oct 2005