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Caption Competition

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1 Nov 2023

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Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Marlin Perkins: “Jim… watch the slow, deliberate movements of the skilled hunter as he stalks his prey… the trusting doctor is utterly unaware of the danger… AND HE STRIKES!!

While brutal, this kill will sustain him and his family for more than a week… in this vast, barren wasteland… known as Deep Space Nine.”

Special Mention

Name Caption
Miss Marple Garak: I heard that, GMO…
Bashir interrupts: SPOONHEAD!!!
Garak: What I was actually saying Dr Bashir, was that I heard that genetically modified food products were not as harmful as previously believed in some instances….
Basheer blushes.
Miss Marple I'm not paranoid. Why are you asking?
Frankie Chestnuts Bashir: Garak, I hear you were once a member of the Obsidian Order… In High School, I was the president of the Rock Club!”
Garak: ???
Frankie Chestnuts Garak: “Well Doctor, I do wish we could chat longer, but… I’m having an old friend for dinner.”
Frankie Chestnuts Garak: “You know what you look like to me, with your nice doctor bag and your cheap shoes? You look like a dork. A well scrubbed, hustling dork with a little taste. Genetic modification’s given you some advantages, but you're not more than one generation from poor white trash, are you, Dr. Bashir?
Bashir: "I prefer the term nerd."
SlipperyStream47 Garak: "Hello, it's me..."
Bashir: *blushes*
Captain 8472 “Doctor, as much as I decry the accusations regarding the poor treatment of prisoners, nothing compares to what humanity did to it’s own in the past. Insurance companies, hedge funds, Time Warner Cable.”
Captain 8472 “Doctor, would you mind shifting to your left? Quark just angered Major Kira and Odo.”
Frankie Chestnuts Bashir: "Tell me, Garak... Why is it whenever I see a Cardassian out of uniform, they're dressed like Marcel Marceau?"
MR. WORF Bashir : Garak I want to tell you we found something unusual with your body scan. It seems you have a wood spoon stuck in your forehead.
Horta not Vorta Garak, his torpedo armed.
Bashir, his hanger deck shielded.
Captain 8472 Garak: Doctor, are you sufficiently trained to help me break through the ego of an unhinged narcissist?
Bashir: Sorry, Garak, but you will have to do face Dukat on your own.
N'tran DS 12 Things they never said: "And the actual truth is...."
Chromedome "Doctor, it is not polite to look at the person using the opposite urinal."
Chromedome Do not argue with the tailor, or you may become a fashion victim ... or possibly just a victim.
Horta not Vorta If I had been the one torturing Picard, he would be a Cardassian dupe now.
Chromedome Bashir was horrified to find that someone had tampered with the appearance of the EMH.
Chromedome "Trick or Tailor?"
Frankie Chestnuts Garak: “A Legate once tried to test me… I ate his liver with some yamok sauce and a nice Ka-naair.”
Miss Marple I'm not paranoid. Who said that about me?
Chromedome "I'm looking for a man with very particular skills ... his name is Frankie Chestnuts."
SlipperyStream47 Every time Garak smiles, a puppy dies.
N'tran DS 12 Looking for par'Mach in all the wrong places.
Chromedome "Suit you, sir! Suit like that. Would you like one made up or do you like it off the peg, sir? For a new job, sir? Will you be having your own assistant, sir? Something in blue, sir? Grey! Ooo, sir, the ladies love a man in a suit, sir. Will you be giving it to her, sir? Sorry, sir, just making conversation. Bit roomy in the crotch, sir! Will she be disappointed, sir? Ooo! Suit you, sir!"

Entries : 111People : 0

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 6,077 Last updated : 1 Nov 2023