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Caption Competition

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1 Jul 2020

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Captain 8472 Gul Jassad joined the wrong zoom meeting.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts "This is M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Max H-H-H-H-H-H-Headroom-room-room-room... Hey... Do you remember-ber-ber-ber Boy George? Yea, me neither."
Chromedome "Right, class. Remote learning, week 11. Orbital bombardment. Download the target list that I have shared with you. You have 10 minutes to assess, prioritise and set them up in your tactical computers with appropriate munitions. We will then compare results. The worst one of you will be fired. Literally.
Chromedome "Yeah, we used the suction cup on his forehead to stick him to the window."
Frankie Chestnuts The latest addition to the menu at the best Bajorian restaurant on DS9: "Platter-O-Gul"
Captain 8472 Even the cardassians are confused by Trump.
Captain 8472 “Please explain to your Emissary that I have been on hold for 2 hours!”
Chromedome How can you tell if a Cardassian is married?
His wife has left her thumbprint on his forehead.
ilandra This is why goldfish should not have action cams.
Frankie Chestnuts Gul Jasad: "Hang on... Let me get this straight... He tear-gassed peaceful protesters so he could clear the way for a photo opportunity??? What the hell is the matter with him?"
Chromedome "Day 6 in the Big Brother house and Gul Jassad is summoned to the diary room to explain why he has slaughtered the other housemates."
Chromedome Make Cardassia Great Again!
Captain 8472 Commemorative Gul Jassad plates! Only 2 bars of latinum for a set of 6!
Chromedome "Do you want fries with that?"
Miss Marple Wait... let me understand this better... you say your daughter, who REFUSES TO WEAR A MASK because she claims it bothers her asthma, has just tested positive for Covid?!?!
Bird of Prey If you think that the popular children's song "The Laughing Vulcan and His Dog" may be kinda racist, wait 'till you hear "The Perplexed Cardassian and His Window!"
MR. WORF What's this camera doing in my washroom????
Bird of Prey Cardassian: "Wait, Sisko tricked me! That is not the Bajoran worm hole!"
Chromedome "For the last time, when we say you have to wear a face covering, that does NOT mean covering your head in stage prosthetics!"
floxtwiceaday Every Passport photo ever!

Entries : 94People : 0

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 13,791 Last updated : 1 Jul 2020