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Caption Competition

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1 Nov 2015

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Bird of Prey Your first challenge for the interpretive dance competition: Dance 'urban sprawl'!

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Tasha: "We now consecrate the bond of obedience...
Assume the position."
Hagon: "Thank you, sir. May I have another?"
Hagon: "Thank you, sir. May I have another?"
Frankie Chestnuts Here we see how NOT to do a push-up.
PegasusJF One does not excuse police brutality by covering the surface of the planet with blue pads.
Frankie Chestnuts New York City Police Department Training Test:
Question: You come across a suspect in the above position. Do you:
1) Shoot with Taser until under submission.
2) Apply Choke Hold until under submission.
3) Beat with Billy Club until under submission.
4) All of the above.
C.W. Perkins I told you to put the Velcro on the inside!
Miss Marple Earth’s “walk of shame” home in the morning couldn’t hold a candle to the Partayrian’s crawl of shame.
Admiral Dunsel Suddenly, a feeling of fear and panic came over Hagon when he realized that, after all these years of prayer, Mecca was actually 180 degrees in the other direction.
Jim When the Bird of Prey came at us it looked like this...
admiral mark Don't you just hate it when someone turns the artificial gravity up.
Bird of Prey Hagon: ''That... was no synthehol...''
Bird of Prey For civilians, the order ''all hands on deck'' is easy to misunderstand.
Chromedome It's Twister. IN SPAAAAAAACCCCCCCCE!
Frankie Chestnuts Tasha: "We now consecrate the bond of obedience...
Assume the position."
Hagon: "Thank you, sir. May I have another?"
Hagon: "Thank you, sir. May I have another?"
Frankie Chestnuts Tasha: "Will you get up!! It wasn't even a bee!"
Frankie Chestnuts "We're not worthy...We're not worthy!"
Miss Marple I look forward to a Sunday morning when I can loll in bed with Frankie Chestnuts and start the week off with a new Caption Competition.
Miss Marple I look forward to a Sunday morning when I can loll in bed and start the week off with a new Caption Competition.
Frankie Chestnuts Rodney King... Just before "The Incident".
Miss Marple Hammer Time! ... IN SPAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!
EMH_MkI Come on, you've got feel this floor, man. It's like silk... FOR YOUR FEET!
Miss Marple On some worlds, early life evolved flamboyanty from the primordial soup.
Bird of Prey Picard: ''Are you from a low gravity world?''
Hagon: ''No, I am from a low ceiling world.''
Frankie Chestnuts Imagine his horror... Tripping on the stage on his way to accept his "Most Authentic Hammer Costume" award.
Miss Marple The be-sparkled cult of "My Little Pony" continues, and is obviously more accepted, in the future.

Entries : 130People : 0

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 19,087 Last updated : 1 Nov 2015