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Caption Competition

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29 May 2005

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Kulatu Archer: We come in peace! Shoot to kill, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, shoot to kill! We come in peace! Shoot to kill, shoot to kill, shoot to kill! Star, TREKKIN...

Special Mention

Name Caption
Silent Bob The bacon strikes back!
Lobster Andorian: "You killed me, you swine!!"
suxxxxxx Now that`s what I call agressive negotiations!
William The muppet show, with another part of...
PIIIIIGGGS in space............
drow Tellarite: "Though thrice I avowed, thou hath nought but spiteful words, and I, my blade must attend my deed!"
Andorian: "Alas, I die."
Jeremiah Salinger This demonstrates the unique Tellarite ability to shoot someone and masturbate at the same time.
Lancel Talas: Of all the scenes with me in it, that Graham HAS to choose the one where I'm getting SHOT.
Xela I guess the Tellerite wasn't listning when Reed said, "The new phase pistols have two settings, stun and kill. It would be best not to confuse them."
The Steve As the Andorians found out, Tellarites are awesome at Laser Quest...
Unixrevolution The laser eye surgery did not go as planned.
Lamont Shran: "By Graythors Hammer you shall be avenged!"
Bill L. Phase pistols don't kill people - giant sentient pigs kill people!
This has been a message from the National Phase Pistol Association
McFortner How many times do I have to tell you, I AM NOT BOSS HOGG!

Entries : 340People : 133

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,369 Last updated : 29 May 2005