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Caption Competition

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15 May 2005

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Hisrak Yar: Fire at Will!

Special Mention

Name Caption
Child of Wonder Riker knew something was amiss. Better go back to the holodeck and F*** up some other show.
Scott Bates Data: "My new hypno-ray will allow us to make Commander Riker a more interesting character. Riker! You will grow a beard! You will learn to play the trombone!"
Kulatu Data: Sir, I'm not entirely sure that this is the best way to develop a good tan.
Riker: Shut up and keep firing!
Tyrridon Data: "It seems Commander Riker's ego is great enough to protect him against even a scripted death."
Yar: "Hey, I wonder if that would work for me..."
Lancel Data: By my estimations, this Caption Competition will poduce 23,465 captions, thirty-three of which will actually be funny.
Tasha: Is this one a funny one?
Data: No.
Jarno Miedema Dr. Evil (off screen): Fire the "Laser"!
Battles Tasha: Data, what are you doing!?
Data: It wasn't me! He's wearing a red shirt, the thing fired on its own!
Kuro-chan Data: Intriguing... The phaser has a "Disco" setting...
Bryan Moore Set phasers to Setting Number One
RedDwarfian Riker: Shields up!
Yar: Why don't I have a shield?
Xela Yar: Data you can't kill one of the main characters.
Data: Tell that to Armus.
Yar: Who?
Bryan Moore Sings: "If I could save Will in a bubble
The first thing that I’d like to do
Is to save Number One
With a phaser on stun
Because I'm Number Two"
Bill L. Using the experimental cross-series transporter, Data sends Riker back 200 years to screw up Captain Archer's final mission.
adc I have had E-nuff of yooooooooo!
ZakFox Data: I think I've got the hang of this device. That button is FAST-FORWARD, that one is REWIND. And this one appears to be PAUSE.
Yar: Does it have a MUTE?
HJSalberg Oh my God, they killed Willy. The bastards!
=NoPoet= Data: Stand perfectly still! Star Trek: Enterprise is integrating itself into our timeline.
Zeke Thorne Data: And next in my holophoto slide show entitled "Shades of Riker"...I call this piece "Vacant Stare".
Yar: You really captured him in his natural state...

Entries : 314People : 127

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,261 Last updated : 15 May 2005