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Caption Competition

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30 Oct 2011

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Name Caption
DBB Kira: This is so hard. I had no idea what an unpleasant experience this could be.
Keiko: I had my first kid pulled out by a Klingon in a ship's bar while being held hostage by hostile aliens who were possessing my husband's body. But you go on complaining. It's fine.
Kira: know, it's really not so bad.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Bashir (walking in): "Oh... Excuse me... I didn't know anyone was in here."
O'Brien (quietly): "Shush, Julian... You're just in time... Here... grab this drum... We're just about to wake her up."
nerd86 Come on down to cult's-R-us for all your pseudo-religious ceremonial needs. We've got everything from headdresses to incense to pre-sacrificed goats...
Frankie Chestnuts Bashir: "ALL RIGHT! I've had enough of this crazy crap! Put those noisemakers down and GET THE HELL OUT!!, no Kira... Lie back down... YOU should stay."
Miss Marple Miles: What's this called again?
Keiko: A traditional Bajoro-Ryobo-Shinto birth ceremony.
Miles: Bizzaro-what?
Everyone wished Miles wouldn't drink so much.
Miss Marple Miles: What's this called again?
Keiko: A traditional Bajoro-Ryobo-Shinto birth ceremony.
Miles: Bizzaro-what?
Everyone wished Miles wouldn't drink so much.
Frankie Chestnuts "Kum-bay-ya... my Lord... kum-bay-ya!"
Miss Marple Miles: What's this called again?
Keiko: A traditional Bajoro-Ryobo-Shinto birth ceremony.
Miles: Well Catholic means "universal" -shouldn't that be enough?
Everyone wished Miles wouldn't drink so much.
Frankie Chestnuts Kira: "Julian, I think I need something for the pain."
Bashir: "I'm sure you'll be fine. It won't be long."
Kira: "I REALLY am uncomfortable..."
Keiko: "Now, Kira... We decided we would do this naturally."
Miss Marple Nerys: Well this is not so bad... In the olden days hippies had to give birth in whirlpool baths, and afterward had to act "cool" about being in a hot tub full of placenta and babycrap.
Miss Marple Nerys: Well this is not so bad... In the olden days hippies had to give birth in whirlpool baths, and afterward had to act "cool" about being in a hot tub full of placenta and babycrap. (just FYI)
Miss Marple My mother told me that when the time comes "God makes a special opening for the baby to come out..." as she gestured nebulously. (she really did!)
Midwife: Now there are many, what we call "old wives' tales" to describe the birth canal: we use the term "Hoo-hoo"
Miss Marple Nerys: You guys chanting "birth faster -birth faster -birth FASTER..."is just pissing me off!
Frankie Chestnuts Bashir: "I'm sorry Kira... But this is just too much. I respect Bajoran traditions, but all this is just getting in the way."
Kira: "This isn't my doing. I wish everyone would stop."
Bashir: "Keiko?"
Keiko: "Not me. This isn't traditional Japanese... Miles just handed me this rattle."
Bashir: "O'BRIEN!!"
Frankie Chestnuts Kira: "Miles... It you hit that gong ONE MORE TIME... It will be the LAST thing you EVER bang."
Fuzzy The Intendant has changed her mind. The cure for her fever may be less cowbell.
Miss Marple Chanting "whoomp there it is -whoomp there it is" is just pissing me off!
AJ O'Brien singing: 'I want my baby back, baby back baby back ....'
Bashir: 'For God's sake, when is he going to say "ribs"?'
Keiko: 'He never says "ribs"'
Miss Marple Kira: THIS IS * ALL * YOUR * DAMN * FAULT!!!!!
Bashir (entering): What?
Everyone: "Don't take it personally" & "She's been yelling that at everybody"
Miss Marple Julian: Quiet, quiet. She's trying to say something. Kira, tell us, what do you need?
Kira:"The Geek"...
Miss Marple Julian: Quiet, quiet. She's trying to say something. Kira, tell us, what do you need?
Kira:"The Geek"...
("The Geek" has been suspiciously quiet on this one.)
Rylan Sato Hey Julian look, I have a hot Asian next to me. What do you have? Oh that's right, you have your real life wife next to you, who is having my kid. Looks like I win, Julian.
jg Kira: I hate you Dcctor, you did this to me.
Bshir: Hey, I had nothing to...oh wait, I did do this to you.
nerd86 O'Brien: It's your turn to hold the Amulet of Cooperation, Julian.
Bashir: I hate these "team building" workshops...
AJ Kira: 'Doctor, can I have a painkiller?'
Bashir: ' No, we'll just cover your screams with music.'

Entries : 140People : 32

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 16,713 Last updated : 30 Oct 2011