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Caption Competition

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24 Apr 2005

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Scott Bates Alien: "I have come to chew bubblegum and kick a-AAAAAAAAAKK!"

Special Mention

Name Caption
Scott Bates "Kill 'em all... let Q sort 'em out"
Cletus Rick Berman shouldn't have visited the Voyager set
suxxxxxx Tuvok:"Damn, I was aming at Neelix!"
Capt. Jethro Tuvok: "When I said I could tell, but then I would have to 'kill you' was a no joke."
Bryan Moore Unable to come up with the MILLION dollars, Tuvok finally fired the "laser"
Nom Anor "Respect my authoritah!"
scatterbrain Tatoo removal gone horribly wrong.
patrick conroy Ooooh!! That's GOTTA hurt!
Mikey "OK, are there any OTHER questions about my new duty roster?"
T'Vid Guess he ain't half the man he used to be
Child of Wonder Not even the mighty Starfleet can defeat mutated cockroaches with personal transporters.
McFortner Voyager participates in yet another drive-by phasering.
Ramone Tuvok: I told the Captain to not let groupies on the ship.
FL Tuvok: "It was... fun."
Hisrak The alien successfully proves that you dont need a red shirt to have bad luck in a caption competition.
Lostfactor In retrospect, someone really should have let Tuvok know what the captain looked like without her makeup before this happened.

Entries : 424People : 138

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,235 Last updated : 24 Apr 2005