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Caption Competition

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13 Jun 2011

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Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Sisko: "How long has he been in there?"
Dax: "Six and a half hours."
Sisko: "I'd have never believed that O'Brien could have gone this long without drinking."

Special Mention

Name Caption
Rylan Sato Dax, if you start singing its Friday one more time, you're going through this thing.
Frankie Chestnuts Dax: "I've already told you... if you keep watching it, it will never boil."
McFortner Dax: I swear, when I looked in it a moment ago a weird voice said "Zuul".
Frankie Chestnuts Dax: "Benjamin, I really don't think you should be building a fire in there."
John No the dryer gnomes did not eat your socks!!!
PegasusJF One swift kick in the butt later, Dax was on the fast lane to a promotion....
Frankie Chestnuts Dax: "Just a little closer, Benjamin... Closer... Closer..."
Mr. President Dax: "They had the oven on too high and all the souffles got burned."
Sisko: "Goddamn, this is like Wolf 359 all over again."
Mr. President Sisko: *Squeak*
Dax: "You really need more fiber in your diet, Benjamin."
Mr. President Sisko: "This television needs tuning."
Dax: "That's a plasma relay."
Sisko: "Plasma, eh? I have an LCD myself. Get O'Brien on it."
Dax: *Sigh*
Mr. President Sisko: "We'll need O'Brien to get an engineering team down here right away, this thing's no use to us in this condition. What do you think, old man?"
Dax: (thinking) "Don't goose the Commander, Don't goose the Commander, Don't goose the Commander..."
Frankie Chestnuts Sisko: "What did you call this again?"
Dax: "Blu-Ray."
Sisko: "...and what does it do?"
Dax: "Absoutely nothing."
Frankie Chestnuts Sisko: "I'm guessing that if we turn the heat up some more we can get him to melt."
Dax: "I'm pretty sure Kira isn't going to be happy when she finds out that you've been playing with Odo again."
Frankie Chestnuts Sisko: "What's this called again?'
Dax: "Mystery Science Theater 3000."
Sisko: "...and people found this entertaining?"
Dax: "You either get it... or you don't."
Frankie Chestnuts Sisko: "Jeez... I can't wait... What did you call these again?"
Dax: "Hot Pockets."
Frankie Chestnuts Jake (offscreen): "What is it? What is it?"
Sisko (softly): "Is that what I think it is?"
Dax nods her head: "Yes."
Sisko: "It's beautiful."
Dax nods her head: "Yes."
Jake: "Goddammit, what is it?"
McFortner Dax: I hate it when the replicators are down. There is never anything in the fridge.
sentinel64 Benjamin, if I taught you anything... watching the oven will not make the turkey cook any faster. Just sit down and play with your ball... that is, your baseball.
DBB Dax: Captain, you shouldn't stand so close to the TV.
Sisko: Why?
Dax: Those old Cardassian models... They put out some radiation. You could loose all your hair.
Sisko: That's absurd.
Alex It is ... It is ... It is blue.
Frankie Chestnuts Dax: "What IS that thing, Benjamin?"
Sisko: "It's an old earth form of entertainment called television. It was part of everyday life in the 20th century."
Dax: "Why does the guy with the bad rug keep taking his shirt off?"
Mr. President "So this is that new improved Soylent Blue I've been hearing about?"
Frankie Chestnuts Sisko: "How long do you think he can last out there?"
Dax: "Benjamin... I've never been one to question your parenting style, but..."

Entries : 102People : 38

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 16,250 Last updated : 13 Jun 2011