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Caption Competition

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22 May 2011

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Name Caption
The Geek Stewart: 'It goes like this, Marina. The blonde will be killed off toward the end of the season. The redhead will be unceremoneously fired and replaced by an old woman, leaving you to be the only sex appeal on the entire show!'
McFadden: 'Aw, dammit...'
Crosby (offscreen): 'Wait, what?'

Special Mention

Name Caption
The Geek Troi: 'Now that you mention it, Captain, I have also noticed Wesley is a twit.'
Crusher: 'Uh, standing right here, guys.'
Ktasay Picard: Who do you think you are with that hairstyle?
Troi: Lady Gaga
David Salberg Troi: Is there a reason why I don't get a Federation uniform?
Picard: I can think of two.
Frankie Chestnuts Troi: 'I'm sensing hatred... All directed toward a smug little pissant... a thin weasel... a twerp... a dweeb...'
Picard: 'Counselor, are you talking about ME?'
Crusher: 'NO you idiot... She's talking about WESLEY!'
nerd86 Troi: Clearly Crusher is the PC and I am the far more aesthetically pleasing and useful Mac.
Picard: I don't care because that makes me Google and I control both of you from deep inside your software.
Crusher: I love it when you talk dirty!
Bird of Prey Troi: 'Why do you assume that *I* know what has happened to Dr. Crusher's supply of theobromine?'
DBB Beverly: How was your date with the ensign last night.
Deanna: He was older than you led me to believe.
Beverly: I thought he looked nice.
Deanna: He was bald. Very bald. He moved a certain way and the light bouncing off his head blinded me a little. I just can stand bald men.
Beverly: Oh, come on. Bald men can look distinguished.
Deanna: No. No, they can't.
Picard: *dies a little inside*
DBB Picard: Counselor, I plan to give the Romulan captain my 'angry face.' How does this look?
Troi: It looks good, captain. Very angry.
Bird of Prey Picard: 'Can I be the Achilles to your Troi?'
Troi: 'Worst pick-up line I ever heard!'
Crusher: 'Oh, he can do worse. He asked me once if he can be the hills to my Beverly.'
The Geek A brunette, a redhead and a bald guy walk on to the Bridge. Data looks over, and says, 'I fail to see the humor of this scenario.'
The Geek Troi: 'I don't understand, sir. Why does Doctor Crusher wear a standard- issue Starfleet uniform, but I have to wear a catsuit with a plunging neckline?'
Picard: 'For the simple reason you have the more impressive rack, Counselor.'
Crusher: 'That's right! Heeey...'
Frankie Chestnuts Troi: I'm sensing pain... disappointment... Many confused thoughts... (turns to face Picard.) Captain... What is the 'Rapture'?
Frankie Chestnuts Beverly (to self) 'Tarty little whore.'
Trio: 'I'm sensing resentment...'
Beverly: 'BITCH!'
Picard: 'Even I heard THAT one.'
Frankie Chestnuts Crusher (to self): 'Jeez... Troi's hair looks like she had it done by a blind racoon...'
Trio: 'I heard that... and he was't blind.'
The Geek Troi: 'Their culture is quite advanced, Captain. They achieved warp drive a hundred years ago, they have a thriving arts and theatre community, virtually no crime, and stop looking down my shirt.'
nerd86 Ménage à Troi.
nerd86 Troi: *utter nonsense*
Picard: *anger*
Crusher: *ennui*
Captain Redbeard My Betazoid heritage allows me to hear the thoughts of others... Right now you're wondering if I have a brain tumor that lets me hear the thoughts of others.
Mr. President Troi: 'And then she said that my milkshake would bring all the boys to the yard.'
Picard: 'Doctor?'
Crusher: 'It's true, it would.'
nerd86 Troi: Crusher is functional and logical like a PC while I am fun and easy like a Mac.
Picard: More like 'pretty but useless' like an iPad.
Frankie Chestnuts Trio: 'Captain... Beverly and I have been discussing this, and we're confused... You're French... Jean Luc and all... But you speak with a British accent... What's up with that?'
Picard: *cold stare*
Crusher: 'Gotcha.. Come on Deanna... Let's go harass Wesley.'
Frankie Chestnuts Trio: 'Captain... Beverly and I have been discussing this, and we're confused... You're French... Jean Luc and all... But you speak with a British accent... What's up with that?'
Picard: *cold stare*
The Geek Troi: 'Captain, I did not feel as if the ambassadors took me seriously.'
Crusher: 'Could it be because you are dressed like a streetwalker?'
Troi: 'I am at a total loss as to why they did not take me seriously!'
Crusher: 'Are you even listening, Troi?'
Troi: 'No idea at all...'
The Geek Troi: 'Oh, and to answer your question from earlier, Captain, yes, the doctor's carpet does match the drapes.'
(Total silence on entire Bridge)
Geordi (offscreen): 'Awkwaaarrrd...'

Entries : 143People : 38

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,923 Last updated : 22 May 2011