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Caption Competition

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15 May 2011

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Name Caption
mwhittington Spock: Remarkably good grouping with a blowgun from that distance. Your marksmanship skills are to be commended, and since I can no longer blink, I believe your use of neurotoxin is a sensible choice given the different species of animals on this planet... and now I believe my bowels have evacuated involuntarily...

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Even worse than the Pon Far was the Pre-Pon Far acne.
drow I drank what?
Kor Fasinating. I beleive this tickles.
Omegatron After the mechanical rice picker incident Spock tried to fix his ears with acupuncture.
Frankie Chestnuts Spock: 'Captain... I do believe I've been hit. The most curious sensa-'
(Spock hits ground)
Frankie Chestnuts It is a well known fact that Vulcan blood is green.
What isn't widely known is that Vulcan dandruff rains down in bright yellow shards.
...and don't even let me start telling you about Vulcan earwax.
Frankie Chestnuts Bright Yellow, Erumpent Pustules: The real reason Vulcans decided to suppress their emotions.
Frankie Chestnuts Stress induced viscous yellow sweat globules: The real reason Vulcans decided to suppress their emotions.
Frankie Chestnuts In Vulcan, the 'birds and the bees' discussion was usually followed up with actual pollination.
nerd86 Bones: Spock it would appear one of your eyes is lower than the other.
Spock: I'm currently worried more about the poison darts at the moment doctor.
nerd86 Spock: It seems to be booby-trapped Captain.
Kirk: Heh heh, booby.
nerd86 Kirk: It would appear you've been hit by some kind of dart.
Spock: Most astute, Captain, I don't think I would have noticed without you here to point it out.
Bones: You know, I don't like Spock now that he's mastered the human linguistic technique of sarcasm.
Spock: 'Cuz we all value your opinion sooo much.
Frankie Chestnuts Severe and prolonged exposure to these spores is the only possible explanation for 'Bilbo Baggins'.
Frankie Chestnuts Severe and prolonged exposure to these spores is the only possible explanation for a fixation on photographing size-enhanced, naked ladies.
Foxbat Benadryl! I need Benadryl!
Guybrush In cases of emergency Spock can double as a bulletin board.
corporeal **THOOP**
SPOCK: mmmff mmrmrmf mm mm rrmm ffrrmmm! [thud]
MCCOY: My God Man! I'm BIG BONED, not FAT!
SULU: I dunno fellers. My mom and dad are gonna get aweful mad when they see I've ripped my shirt.
Frankie Chestnuts Besides pimples, razor burn and imperfect seams, another unfortunate consequences of remastering the original series was the dandruff.
Frankie Chestnuts Spock: Yes, Captain... This is the famous 'Mechanical Rice'.
Frankie Chestnuts Spock: 'Captain... I am feeling a bit strange... I just turned around and... WOOP, There it is! WOOP, There it is!'
Frankie Chestnuts Kirk: 'SPOCK! LOOK OUT FOR THA-'
Kirk: 'Kirk to Enterprise... Uhura, send Bones down... Spock's been investigating the local flora again.'
Frankie Chestnuts Spock: 'Captain... I do believe I've been hit. The most curious sensation... The toxin appears to be some sort of hallucinogenic popcorn at the podiatrist while his bladder porcupine has serious fried eggs.'
Frankie Chestnuts Spock: 'No Captain... It's actually worse than it looks... The plant attacked from behind.'
Foxbat Failed Marketing plan #27: Vulcan Lite-Brite

Entries : 107People : 34

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,888 Last updated : 15 May 2011