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Caption Competition

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24 Apr 2011

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Bimbo herding will continue to be a well respected and noble profession, well into the 24th century.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Captain Redbeard Now the bachelor will be asking four of you to accept a rose. Those of you who do not receive a rose will be leaving the guest house immediately.
Foxbat Aes Sedai... why did it have to Aes Sedai?
Frankie Chestnuts Guy: 'Wow... I'm just not sure. I DO like the green one... But the red one is just stunning! This is just a tough choice. Hang on ladies... LARRY! Come on over and help me pick out your dress.'
Larry: 'I'll be right there... Always a bridesmaid, never a bride.'
James After being demoted by Sisko for insubordination, Kira was forced to audition for a job as a Dabo Girl.
The Geek Mudd's great- great- grandson proudly carries on the family business.
Frankie Chestnuts Man: 'Simon says close your eyes... Open them back up. -HA! You two! You're both out!'
Frankie Chestnuts Man: 'Let's see now... Broomhilda Featherhead?'
Broomhilda: 'Here.'
Man: 'Zelda Sprong?'
Zelda: 'Here.'
Man: 'Mergatroyd Feldspar?'
Mergatroyd: 'That's me.'
Man: 'Lulu... No last name Lulu?'
Lulu: 'Just Lulu... Like Cher or Bono'
Man: 'Great... Vagina-'
Vagina: 'That's va-GEENA'
Man: 'Right... va-GEENA Cornholio.'
Vagina: 'Here.'
Foxbat One of you will be picked to be a character on Star Trek: Voyager. May God have mercy on your soul...
Mr. President Polygamy - it's not just for Mormons.
Mr. President Man: 'Will you go out with me?'
1st Woman: 'No.'
Man: 'Will you go out with me?'
2nd Woman: 'No.'
Man: 'Will you go out with me?'
3rd Woman: 'No.'
Man: 'Will you go out with me?'
4th Woman: 'No.'
Man: 'Will you go out with me?'
5th Woman: 'No.'
Man: 'Will you go out with me?'
6th Woman: 'No.'
Man: 'Wow, they really nailed it when they called it speed dating, huh?'
2nd Woman: 'Shut up.'
Mr. President 'Well, one of you blocked up the toilet in the women's restroom, and we're not leaving this room until we find out who.'
Mr. President Man: 'I'm sorry, girls, Mr. Takei won't be accepting any...groupies tonight.'
Woman: 'What about tomorrow night?'
Man: 'Do you have a brother?'
Woman: 'No.'
Man: 'Then no.'
Frankie Chestnuts Man: 'Ladies... Welcome to the 'Eight Annual DS9 Cardassian Vole Roundup'...'
DBB 'Two of you will be serving drinks. The rest of you will be made into Soylent Green.'
'Made into?'
'Making. You'll be making Soylent Green.'
'You said 'made into'.'
'No, I didn't.'
Mr. President Man: 'Don't worry, ladies, the management here at Comfort Ladies will leave no stone unturned until we find whoever is responsible for replacing all your birth control pills with breath mints.'
Mr. President Man: 'Once again, we do hope you've enjoyed your stay at Lobotomies-R-Us.'
Mikey 'Ladies, ladies, ladies! The DS9 production of 'Seven Brides for Seven Prophets' opens in a week... I want FABU, and I'm getting FUBAR!'
Frankie Chestnuts Man: 'Prophet sacrifice?'
Woman in Red: 'Yes.'
Man: 'This way please... Prophet sacrifice?'
Woman in Purple: 'Yes.'
Man: 'Very good... This way... Prophet sacrifice?'
Women in Yellow: 'Isn't the line for Starbucks?'
Man: 'No, that's over across from Quarks... Prophet sacrifice?'
Woman in Green: 'Yes.'
Man: 'Right this way... Prophet sacrifice?'
Frankie Chestnuts Marlin Perkins VoiceOver: 'Here we see Jim encountering a pack of wild Dabo-beast. Notice how the alpha-females align themselves in an offensive posture. Let's watch the fun...'
Frankie Chestnuts Man: 'Alright ladies... This is the last event. You will need to carry 5 drinks, from the bar to the Dabo tables and back without spilling a drop. Bubbles, you are in the lead and will get to compete last.'
sentinel64 OK ladies, the next part of the pageant is the evening wear. This three lucky ladies will go to the final competition, and the others... well, I hope you ejoy 30 hours of electro-shock... before you are shot.
jg Kirk's idea of taking home a six pack is completely differnt from everyone else's.
nerd86 Man: I'm sorry girls, but Mr. Kirk has canceled his two o'clock.
Frankie Chestnuts ♪ 'One of these things is not like the other...
One of these things just doesn't belong...'♫

Entries : 99People : 26

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 16,048 Last updated : 24 Apr 2011