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Caption Competition

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10 Apr 2011

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Mr. President Gynoid: 'Is that a phaser in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?'
Mudd: 'Actually, it's a burrito.'

Special Mention

Name Caption
nerd86 Mudd: What is that dress made of my dear?
Girl in Pink: Mashed Potatoes and food coloring.
Mudd: ...What?
Frankie Chestnuts Mudd: 'Decisions, decisions, decisions...'
Turd Ferguson Mudd's Women: They seem to have no effect on Sulu
Bird of Prey Mudd: 'Maybe they'd sell better if they had a green paint job?'
DBB *sleazy laugh*
*girlish giggle*
*sleazy laugh*
*girlish giggle*
*sleazy laugh*
*girlish giggle*
Mr. President 'I do hope this redshirt makes it.'
Foxfyre Woman in Red: Your kind of gay ain't you....
mwhittington Mudd: Oh, my! And here I thought Silicon Valley was in Northern California!
The Geek Contrary to rumor, Mudd's women were actually tested weekly and fairly clean.
Frankie Chestnuts Mudd: 'What do you mean everyone thought I was gay? I'M NOT GAY... I'm British.'
Frankie Chestnuts Mudd: 'Well, I don't know... Do you have anything in a slim asian male?
Mr. President Kirk: 'This is terrible! Such objectification of women! Such naked sexism!'
Mudd: 'Hey, that's a good idea. Girls, take your clothes off.'
Mr. President Mudd: 'Oh, come on! You can't all have a headache tonight!'
Mikey 'Is this some kind of bust?'
'Yes, very impressive - but that's not why we're here right now.'
Frankie Chestnuts Droid#1: 'Bitch.'
Droid#2: 'Slut.'
Droid#3: 'Whore.'
Mudd: 'Excellent qualifications... All of you.'
Mr. President 'A red shirt? My poor dear, have you never seen this show before?'
Mr. President Smartphones - Harry Mudd uses Android.
Bird of Prey Harry Mudd and the Chamber of Secrets
Mr. President Intern selection at the Clinton White House.
Bird of Prey Android: 'My optical sensory units are up here, Mr. Mudd.'
Captain Redbeard There be whales here!
Bird of Prey Mudd: 'Are these two real or fake?'
Android: 'They are as artificial as the rest of me.'
Turd Ferguson THESE are the droids we're looking for.

Entries : 108People : 28

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,184 Last updated : 10 Apr 2011