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Name | Caption |
Rat Boy | Data: "Sir, I believe we have found the winner for the 'Captain Picard Day' contest." |
Name | Caption |
Rat Boy | Picard: "You idiots! These are not them! You've captured our stunt doubles!" |
Rat Boy | Deck 10: Holodecks, Aboretums, Ten Forward, and replicant factory. |
Lobster | Picard, Data and Will Riker vs. Shinzon, Lore and Thomas Riker! |
asdf | Picard: Data... Isn't Riker standing in front of us... Data: It appears that you can change the laws of physics. |
Dante | Rikers: Who are you? Rikers: That was weird.. Rikers: Stop that! Stop saying everything I'm saying. Rikers: You stop first. No, you! Rikers: Captain make him stop. |
Marcus | Now we see but through a glass darkly. |
James | Riker: Who is that sexy beast in the back? |
Xela | Picard: What did Wesley Crusher do this time? |
Damar | Picard: You idiots! You captured our stuntdoubles!! |
FL | Riker: Wow. I need to talk to Guinan about drinks served in Ten Forward... |
Gil Rodriguez | Picard 1: "His nose should pant..." Picard 2: "And his lip should curl..." Picard 1: "His cheeks should flame..." Picard 2: "And his brow should furl..." Picard 1: "His bosom should heave..." Picard 2: "And his heart should glow..." Both at once: "AND HIS FIST BE EVER READY FOR A KNOCKDOWN BLOW!!!" |
Game Guru GG | Picard: Okay, someone get Manny Coto's Magic Continuity Machine out. Berman and Braga broke the universe... again. |
=NoPoet= | Picard: Some captains spend their time fighting eight-foot-tall, blue armoured warriors, but me? No. My enemy for the episode is a slaphead with a big nose. |
Sumisu-san | And at the end of the corridor they saw it: the device that had kidnapped crewman Alice. |
Mikey | Picard: "Fire at Will! ...get it? You can actually fire at Will ...at Will Riker ...'cos there's another one of him there ...oh, never mind." |
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 15,120 | Last updated : 10 Apr 2005 |