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Caption Competition

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3 Apr 2011

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nerd86 Scott Bakula stuck in a never ending stream of crap and disgust, seemingly going nowhere, leading only to disappointment and regret. And the sewer was pretty bad too.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts Alien: 'This is disgusting. I think I'm going to be sick.'
Archer: 'I just was.'
DBB Alien: Now...we swim.
DBB Archer: Where are we? What are we wading through?
Trip: I think he called it the 'lat-er-een.'
Archer: 'Lat-er...' Latrine?
Trip: ...ah, hell.
Ktasay Star Trek XIX: The Sewer Zombies Strike Back!
Combat Carl Do... Do you think anyone will notice if I pee in here?
Mikey 'Marco!... Marco?... Hey, marco?'
Frankie Chestnuts Alien: 'I'm telling you, this is a great shortcut.'
Trip: 'I think I'll take the long way around.'
nerd86 Alien: And now we just dive to the bottom and open the service hatch and-
Archer: Wait. Did you say we now have to dive?
Alien: Yes.
Archer: I quit. Your species can free yourselves from oppression. I'm going back to my ship where it is warm, dry, and a busty Vulcan woman walks around in tight shirts. Bye.
Alien: Please wait... take me with you.
AJ Alien singing: 'I'm walking on sunshine....'
The Geek Bacula: I shoulda never left 'Quantum Leap.'
The Geek Bakula (thinking): 'Think of the paycheck. You are waist- deep in some disgusting- looking water, but that's okay, because I alone proudly carry the Star Trek franchise on my shoulders while getting paid a lot of money to do so.'
Producer: 'Bad news, guys. We've just been cancelled.'
Bakula: 'Aw, dammit.'
jg Alien: Thats just disgusting. Somebody has been eating corn.
Archer: Didn't need to know. Really, I didn't need to know.
Foxfyre Archer was in deep S*** when he pissed off the brass.
Mr. President 'Okay, guys, the script for Star Trek Nemesis is down here somewhere. Keep your eyes peeled.'
Mr. President Tucker: 'Maybe you should've asked someone else to show us the way to Amarillo, Cap'n.'
Frankie Chestnuts Archer: 'I'm really not thinking too much about this spa.'
Alien: 'Give it a few minutes. I'll grow on you.'
Archer: 'That's what I'm afraid of.'
DBB Alien: The water in this chamber is riddled with meter-long parisitical tape worms. Seal off all your lower orifaces.
Archer: Wait, what?
Alien: Can't your species do that?
Archer: No!
woodside Jonathan Archer and the Crusade for a Decent Plotline
lexxonnet Archer: What are we doing down in the sewers?
Alien: We're looking for Enterprise's ratings.
Frankie Chestnuts Trip: 'Not to be offensive, but... Do all of your species walk around with light bulbs stuck in their ass?
Alien: 'Yes, it's considered very fashionable.'
Trip: '...and how do you get it to glow like that?'
Alien: 'Glow...?'
AJ What? If T'Pol can have a stick up her ass, I can have a lightbulb!
Mr. President Pictured: the servants' quarters in Republican Party headquarters.
Foxfyre Looks like it, smells like it, yep it must be Enterprise.....
The Geek They may be wading through a long, disgusting stream of unspeakable filth and disease, but at least this is Enterprise, a show that will last for several more seasons and will be cherished by Star Trek fans and.... wait...

Entries : 125People : 37

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,965 Last updated : 3 Apr 2011