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Caption Competition

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20 Mar 2011

Caption comp image


Name Caption
DBB Human tinitus: like a ringing or buzzing in the ears.
Ferengi tinitus: like a boat horn or train whistle being blown in the ears.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts In coming years, 'Tramp Stamps' became much more elaborate.
Frankie Chestnuts Kira: 'While this is fascinating, I really don't see how watching Ferengi porn holoprograms can help us.'
Odo: 'It's helping ME.'
Frankie Chestnuts Kira: 'While this is fascinating, I really don't see how watching Ferengi porn holoprograms can help us.'
Odo: 'Observation of the mating rituals of various species can help 'spice up' a couple's love life.'
Kira: 'Watching the Praying Mantis last week didn't help.'
Frankie Chestnuts Kira: 'Playing Doctor' only works when one of US gets to be the doctor.
Odo: I think this is rather interesting.
Frankie Chestnuts While the competition was tough, Quark came home with the 'Blue Ribbon'.
Frankie Chestnuts Quark: '...have I ever told you about the Rules of Rack-quisition? Acquisition.. RULES OF ACQUISITION!'
DBB 'Listen, Morn stumbled out of here last night and threw up in Odo's bucket. We can't let Odo find out.'
'I think he knows.'
DBB 'Can you wear something that doesn't show the giant blue scar on your back?'
'Some people find scars sexy.'
'Yeah, none of those people are here.'
nerd86 Nice dress.
It's not a dress. I'm molting.
Ktasay Quark discovers the tattoo makes a full loop
DBB 'Your female waitstaff is underdressed.'
'On Ferenginar, this is overdressed.'
nerd86 Odo: Oh, excuse me, I didn't realize you were using this holosuite. Wait. Why do you have a hologram of Kira in here watching you?
Quark: Whoever said she's a hologram?
Bird of Prey Odo: 'I am afraid, she can't become your new dabo girl. I did investigate a bit, and it turns out that her curriculum vitae is completely faked.'
Quark: 'Curriculum vitae, schmurriculum vitae. Her oomox is excellent. You're hired, girl!'
Bird of Prey Woman: 'Do you want to know what they say about men with big ears?'
Quark: 'Does it involve other parts of said men's body?'
Woman: 'Yes.'
Quark: 'Has the word 'proportional' to be used?'
Woman: 'Yes.'
Quark: 'Ooh, then MAYBE I do want to hear it. One last question though. Does the word 'inversely' come before the word 'proportional'?'
Woman: 'Yes.'
Quark: 'In this case, no, I don't want to hear what they say about men with big ears.'
Bird of Prey Kira: 'I wonder if Ferengi get spam-mails offering ear-enlargements?'
Odo: 'Most spam-mails are SENT by Ferengi.'
DBB Not pictured: a comfortable situation.
Frankie Chestnuts Odo: 'Would you two get a room...'
Quark: 'Would you two get out of my quarters.'
Frankie Chestnuts Tart: I still think that a piercing in a Ferengi's ear would classify as a 'Prince Albert'.
DBB 'There's something on my ear and I can't reach it. Can you get it please? That's right. Over to the left. Right there.'
'I don't see it anymore. Did I get it?'
'No, keep going. Scratch harder. *shudders* Keep going...'
DBB Mmm... Rub my lobe. Harder. Harder. TOO HARD! Harder.
DBB Magician: What's this? I found a coin in your ear.
Quark: Put it back!
Frankie Chestnuts Quark: '... and Odo! Can you believe him!! He calls himself Security Chief! You wouldn't believe what goes on at the bar... Contraband in and out every day... Beetle snuff orgies... a case of Romulan ale delivered every week... and he's standing right behind me, isn't he?'
DBB 'Did the mean old Changeling hurt your feelings?'
'Yes.' *begins crying*
Frankie Chestnuts While voting for the 'Worst Dressed on the Promenade' was always tight, Quark held the title for a record 12 weeks.

Entries : 86People : 17

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,528 Last updated : 20 Mar 2011