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Name | Caption |
Mr. President | "taH pagh taHbe'" |
Name | Caption |
Frankie Chestnuts | Director: "Who do you think you are.. Shatner? Just do the scene without the dramatics! |
Frankie Chestnuts | Director: "Enough with the 'Dreaming the Impossible Dream" crap. This isn't Man of La Mancha and you aren't Don Quixote. SO JUST DO YOUR LINES!" |
SlideMan | Mitchell: My God! It's Full of Stars! Kirk: Uh, Gary....you've been in space for HOW LONG now, what did you expect? |
Frankie Chestnuts | "A little to the left... little more. Good, now up a bit... TOO MUCH. Down... down... I think I'm picking up BBC 2." |
Mr. President | "Don't worry, I'll catch it!" *THUD* "Okay, two out of three?" |
Mr. President | Mitchell: "And the Academy Award for best actor goes to..." Kirk: "Yoink!" Mitchell: "Hey!" |
drow | Power of a GOD. Volleyball skillz of a PENGUIN. |
mwhittington | Christopher Pike tried channeling Storm from the X-Men to fight off his enemies once, but instead of a tornado, he flatulated. It still had the desired effect. |
Bird of Prey | When you are on a low gravity planet, never playfully throw a toddler into the air! He may reach escape velocity. |
Frankie Chestnuts | Kirk : "ESPer my ass... that's just an old circus trick! I could have done it better myself." |
Frankie Chestnuts | Mitchell: "Watch this... I'm channeling Jerry Rice!" |
Frankie Chestnuts | At the time, throwing the spilled boulder over his left shoulder seemed to make sense. |
Frankie Chestnuts | Actor: Quick! Throw me my career! I'll catch it! Throw it now! Nemoy: Pitiful. Shatner: Loser. |
EMH_MkI | Janeway: Captains Log - I have completed first contact with the Tak Tak, an unusual species with a tendency to mime- Oops, wrong caption competition... |
EMH_MKI | BEANS!!! I smell BEAAAAAAAANSSSSSSS!!!1!111oneone!11! |
DBB | And he would have caught the ball too, had the the glare not caught in his eye and temporarily blinded him. |
Frankie Chestnuts | And now... An interpretative dance. |
Frankie Chestnuts | The real challenge of Low Gravity Volleyball was the use of huge boulders rather than those nice bouncy balls. |
Frankie Chestnuts | Myth #1: Throw spilled salt over your left shoulder to prevent bad luck. Myth #2: Throw a boulder over your left shoulder to prevent eye infections. Neither works. |
Frankie Chestnuts | Too late, he realized that the Hokie-Pokie WAS what it was all about. |
The Geek | Wow! I needed to get THAT off my chest! |
The Geek | Kirk: Big deal. My ego does that while I sleep. |
tlbs101 | Gary Lockwood: Cum Laude graduate of the William Shatner Academy of Acting |
The Geek | As tragic as his death was, everyone thought his Happy Hands routine ended just the way it should have. |
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 14,071 | Last updated : 26 Dec 2010 |