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Caption Competition

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12 Sep 2010

Caption comp image


Name Caption
N'tran DS 12 If you stare very closely at this picture
you will notice an arms dealer and a Ferengi.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Mr. President Quark's prize for his millionth customer was...unorthodox.
nerd86 I'm sooo happy to see you again Quark! And I see you're happy to see my wife as well...
nerd86 Ah, Quark. Shouldn't you be carrying a tray or something.
I'm the host of this gala!
Oh, my mistake. It's just that I took one look at that tacky suit of yours and assumed you were the help. HA HA!
Frankie Chestnuts Quark: "I'm Quark.. Welcome to Neep Dace Spine.. Er Deep Space Nine."
Frankie Chestnuts Dear God!! I think Quark has had 'lobe enhancement' surgery!
Ronbo I've always been attracted to women with giant tumors on their forehead.
Ktasay Evidence that mail order brides still exist in the 24th Century.
DBB Quark: Hagath. Hello. Wow, your companion is certainly impressive. I'd like to log some time in her holosuite, if you catch my meaning.
Hagath: This is my daughter.
Quark: ...
Mr. President "Well, Quark, at least you're not wearing a suit made out of meat like Lady Gaga."
N'tran DS 12 The Arms dealer shows his wares....with attachments.
Mr. President Hagath: "Look, dear, he's drawn the line here - this far and no further. Such a shame that he had to draw the line with his own urine, though."
Mr. President "Ah, Quark, I see it isn't just your latinum that is gold-pressed."
nerd86 She's looking Quark in the eyes and her husband is looking at his crotch. Yep, their marriage won't last long.
nerd86 Check out our latest model. Made of ultra-light composites she weighs only 22 kilos. Sleek, stain resistant black exterior with customizable decals. You can choose from any of seven different faces, ten eye colors, four skin tones, five hair types (Irish available next spring). Built in AM/FM radio and leather seat. And our customers' favorite feature: an on board computer programmed to find its owner positively irresistible and yet not intelligent enough to nag or complain. Comes with a two year warranty on parts and labor.
I'll take two.
I thought you might.
Frankie Chestnuts Talura: "I hear you are noted for your Holosuites.
Quark: "Absolutely! Please let me know if there is anything I can keep you abreast of."
Hagath: "Pardon me?"
epclarkson Mr. Quark, is it a Ferengi custom not to wear pants when conducting business negotiations?
Frankie Chestnuts Hagath: "I see that not ALL parts of a Ferengi's anatomy are abnormally large."
Mr. President "Quark, is that a self-sealing stem bolt you've got there or are you just pleased to see us?"
Kent Is that a bar of latinum in your pocket or are you just happy to see my wife...
Bird of Prey Quark: "Welcome to Quark's Bar! What can I do for you and your beautiful daughter?"
Man: "Beautiful who? Oh. Oh, yeah! My daughter! Sure! Heh."
DBB Hagath: Hello, Mr. Quark.
Quark: Nice to mole you--meet you! Nice to meet your mole! Don't say mole...I said mole. Mo-o-o-o-le.
Bird of Prey Quark: "Ah, the dabo girl salesman! I expected you earlier."
Mr. President "Ah, I see it isn't just the Ferengi brain that has four lobes."
Mr. President "I have to do WHAT to get store credit?!"

Entries : 95People : 31

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,433 Last updated : 12 Sep 2010