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Name | Caption |
Frankie Chestnuts | Voyeurism... IN SPAAACE |
Name | Caption |
TS | Female LT.: "Oh, lieutenant!" Male LT.: "Wait!...mmmm mmmm MMMMMM!!!" Female LT.: "What?! You love Harry?!" |
Frankie Chestnuts | Chakotay: "Well, hello there... Thought the turbo lift would be empty... Would like to go to deck 5... Well then... I guess I could take the stairs... I'll just be going then..." |
nerd86 | The holodeck makes watching porn a more engaging, and creepy activity. |
Sekhemty | Another episode of Star Trek: Voyeur |
Cyrus Ramsay | Chakotay: "I said this class is for martial arts, not marital arts." |
Frankie Chestnuts | Chakotay: "DEAR GOD, LIEUTENANT! What are you doing to the... Ambassador... Well... I guess that's alright... Never mind." |
Kent | Chakotay: Now THAT'S a turbo "lift"!!!!! |
Samus | Chakotay: "Well at least this beats Harry kissing a cow" |
PegasusJF | Obviously these two don't mind an audience... |
TS | Lieutenant: "Oh, Commander! We didn't see you there!" Chakotay: "Oh, don't mind me. Pretend as if I'm not here. No really. Do it..." |
TS | Chakotay thinking, "Hmmm...if only it was Harry instead of Miss Bove..." |
nerd86 | Chakotay: What is going on here! Ensign #1: Mmmmfph, mmmfff! Ensign #2: mmmfph mmmfffmmmmff! Chakotay: Stop kissing and answer me! Ensigns: mmmmmmfffffmmmmfffff! Tuvok: I believe they said they're not kissing, sir. I believe they're trying to tell us they've been involved in some terrible super glue accident. Chakotay: How did you tell that from their muffled words? Tuvok: I didn't. I super glued their lips together last night. Make fun Vulcans on your Facebook? I think not! |
Bird of Prey | Chakotay oversees Project PIOTCVCL (Procreating In Order To Counteract Voyager's Crew Losses). |
Bird of Prey | Chakotay: "Superglue lipstick? Now Tom has gone too far with his pranks!" |
Tevarik | "Take it to the jeffries Tubes!" |
DBB | Not understanding what a sock on the turbolift door meant, Chakotay blunders into an embarassing situation. |
Frankie Chestnuts | Chakotay: "Dear Penthouse..." |
Frankie Chestnuts | Crewman 1: "Is he still watching?" Crewman 2: "I can't see. Move us around so I can get a look." *shuffle-shuffle-shuffle-shuffle* Crewman 2: "Yea, he's still there." |
Bird of Prey | Woman: "The holo-program you created for our dates is so romantic! Although I don't quite get why you did put in Commander Chakotay." Man: "What are you talking about? There is no Chakotay in my progr- what the hell are you doing here, Commander!?" |
Bird of Prey | Chakotay: "Can I... join in?" |
N'tran DS 12 | It's centripetal motion/ It's perpetual bliss/ It's that pivotal moment/ It's Impossible/ This Kiss This Kiss/ Unstoppable/ This Kiss This Kiss |
Frankie Chestnuts | Chakotay (thinking to self): "So am I in some sort of 'out of phase' reality and they can't really see me, or are do they just want me to watch?" |
Treksdot | Last time on Star Trek Voyeurism... |
TS | Star Trek: Loveboat |
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 14,994 | Last updated : 16 May 2010 |