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Caption Competition

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25 Apr 2010

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Bird of Prey Picard: "I think I am ready to violate the Neutral Zone, if you get my drift..."

Special Mention

Name Caption
Foxbat Crusher: "I can see that you are, in fact, a Merry Man..."
nerd86 Workplace sexual harassment is still a problem in the 24th century.
nerd86 Hey, who hasn't made a girl uncomfortable with their awkward sexual advances? Am I right, or am I right?
PegasusJF Picard: Don't call me tiny.
Cyrus Ramsay Beverly: "Does it hurt when I do this?"
Picard: "It hurts more when you don't."
Fuzzy Jean was fun once or twice, but calling you "Professor" every time...
Mikey "Dammit, Beverly, be serious! The warning on the box said to seek medical advice if it lasts more than four hours!"
Mark "Really Jean-Luc, a breath mint would be nice."
N'tran DS 12 To Beverly the Captain did croon
"My that's an enchanting perfume."
Entering at that moment
Riker uttered the comment
"Go on you two, get a room."
The Geek Picard: "My, that is quite an orange pussy!"
Crusher: "Jean- Luc!!!"
Picard: "I was talking about Spot. Captain to Data, come get your cat out of my Ready Room!"
Foxbat If it'll get us to a new caption competition, captain, I guess I can debase myself again...
Mr. President Crusher: "I see the British Parliament isn't the only thing around here that's 'hung'."
The Geek "I'd say judging from the size of this ship, you really ARE compensating for something..."
Foxbat Crusher: "But captain, if we do this, will you still respect me in the morning?"
Picard: "Respect you in the morning?! I don't respect you know..."
Frankie Chestnuts Crusher: "I'll show you mine if you show me yours."
Picard: "I am showing you. It's right there! Don't you see it?"
Frankie Chestnuts Dr. Crusher was torn between her horrifying inability to look away and an overpowering urge to giggle.
Foxfyre Crusher was thankfully used to dealing with small sensitive instruments.
Foxfyre Crusher: It even does the "Engage" gesture.....
MetalHead Crusher: LOL
Picard: WTF
Foxfyre Picard: We are the aroused, lower your pants and surrender your lips, we will merge our biological distinctiveness to your own. You will adapt to pleasure us, abstinence is futile.
Frankie Chestnuts Crusher: "Jean-Luc, if you say 'ENGAGE' one more time, I'll absolutely loose it."
Picard: "How about 'ACTIVATE'..?
epclarkson Beverly: Oh Jean-Luc, I can't believe Wesley is really dead...
Wesley (on floor): I'm okay, it's just a flesh wound.
Beverly (stomping down hard on Wesley): It's like I can hear his voice.... hold me...
Bird of Prey Personal space! The final frontier...
PegasusJF What is going on cannot be spoken in polite company, but let's just say that Beverly has Picard in the palm of her hand.

Entries : 199People : 56

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,439 Last updated : 25 Apr 2010