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Caption Competition

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18 Apr 2010

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts For Dr. Noel: A whirlwind romance.
For Kirk: A Thursday afternoon.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Cyrus Ramsay Kirk and the Missus. But whose?
Mr. President Kirk: "Is that a video camera over there?"
Noel: ", that's just..."
Kirk: "You want to film us doing it together, is that it?"
Noel: "Well, no, that's just...I don't know what that..."
Kirk: "Hey, babe, it's okay, you're about to have the greatest night of your life. I just want to make sure it catches my good side."
Mr. President Kirk: "My god, they're remastering us into HD! They're using new exterior shots of the Enterprise - they're using computer graphics!"
Noel: "But we'll lose our old-fashioned, you-can-still-see-the-strings charm! Is there anything you can do to stop it?"
Kirk: "I don't know, Helen. I just don't know..."
Frankie Chestnuts Dr. Noel: "Captain, I normally carry out physicals in Sick Bay."
Kirk: "Physical... Yeah, that's it... Physical."
nerd86 McCoy: She's an evil alien shapeshifter, Jim!
Kirk: Don't care.
McCoy: She just wants to eat your head and lay her eggs in your chest!
Kirk: How, exactly, is that different from my ex-wife?
McCoy: Hmmm... Good luck. *leaves*
Woman: *insect like clicking noises*
Kirk: That's right, talk dirty to me...
Frankie Chestnuts Kirk: "Come on sweetheart! How about a breath mint!"
Bodhi Shatnervana.
igr56uk Girl ... Captain how long have we got ??
Kirk ... Well the Romulans have fired 5 torpedos and the Klingons have launched a landing party, I think we still have another 3 minutes before I have to annihilate them
igr56uk Kirk realises in horror that with budget cuts, next week his girl of the week would be Mr Sulu in a dress.
igr56uk Responding to the population crisis on the planet Lesbienous, Kirk was only too happy to head the mission
nerd86 For her... true love.
For him... a light snack.
The Geek Kirk: "Shh!"
Woman: "What?"
Kirk: "I get the feeling we are being watched... perhaps laughed at... Kirk to Bridge: Perform a sector- wide sensor sweep for entites called 'nerds'. Shut down their Caption Competition at once!"
Uhura (over comm): "We're too late, Captain, we've been overran!"
Kirk: "Ohmigod, RUN!!!"
McFortner McCoy (VO): Jim, I need to tell you something about the Androsyn Ambassador....
Kirk: Not now, Bones, wer're about to start... Negotiations!
McCoy (VO): OK, I'm sure you and HE have a lot to talk about....
Bird of Prey Kirk: "Love is in the air! Do you feel it, crewmember?"
Woman: "Aye, Captain! I am feeling a certain member!"
awesome star trek: the next penetration
Frankie Chestnuts Woman: "Is that a phaser in your pocket or.."
Kirk: "I'm not even wearing any pants."
Frankie Chestnuts Woman: "But captain, will you respect me in the morning?"
Kirk: "That's the funny thing about space travel. Time is relative. The concepts of day and night are only in our mind."
Mr. President Dr. Noel: "Wait a minute! You're not Chris Pine, get your hands off me!"
Kirk: "Dr. McCoy, the sedative, NOW!"
Cyrus Ramsay Noel: What do you mean, "Only time for a quickie"?
Kirk: Have you seen the size of that queue?
nerd86 Hey Bones, you wanna get in on this?
nerd86 Kirk contemplates whether or not having sex with a switched off android constitutes rape.
joseph hall oh god i need to pee
nerd86 Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
When the captain loves a woman,
its over in two.
nerd86 For the girl... the most amazing night of her life with the man she intends to marry and spend eternity with.
For Kirk... Hey, I think my toast is done.

Entries : 141People : 37

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,623 Last updated : 18 Apr 2010