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Caption Competition

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26 Oct 2009

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The Geek Odo's photoshoot for GQ magazine was, by all accounts, a total disaster.

Special Mention

Name Caption
The Geek Odo: "I was a little teapot..."
Quark: "Really..."
Odo: "Yes, I was short and stout. I had a handle as well as a spout!"
Quark: "So what's with the lid?"
Odo: "An unsuccessful attempt at what humans call a 'nipple'."
Quark: "Don't worry, folks. I didn't see that one coming, either."
Merat This is how I'd react too if Quark showed up at my door in a one-piece and booties.
Frankie Chestnuts Odo: "HOLY CRAP! What the hell WAS that?"
Quark: "They call it a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster"
nerd86 The No Disqualification Cage match between Odo and Quark did not end the way you'd've expected.
nerd86 Odo visits Kira's quarters after she dumped him to "leave a message".
Cyrus Ramsay Quark: So why did Kira dump you?
Odo: She didn't mind small; it was variable that freaked her out.
Frankie Chestnuts Quark: "What were you thinking about?"
Odo: "The first time I flew."
Quark: "Well that's not nearly good enough. Here, have some chocolate. It REALLY helps."
Silent Bob "And then Kira took me into the bedroom... and she did terrible things... awful things... things that I can't get out of my head..."
drow Quark: "You will clean up this room right now, young man, or you will go straight to your bucket without dinner!"
drow Odo: "It was the strangest nightmare... I was small, and I had a cowbell, and I couldn't stop shaking it."
drow Quark: "Holy liquidation Odo, what happened to the Teapotian ambassador?"
Odo: "He was... short and stout."
drow Next, on Star Trek: The Odd Couple...
Mr. President "Do you know, Quark, in the Gamma Quadrant my people control the destinies of hundreds of species on thousands of worlds. They are conquerors and tyrants, judge, jury and executioner all rolled into one. But me...I can't even keep a hamster in a cage without it escaping. You haven't seen it, have you?"
Mr. President There were those who took the news of Sisko shaving his head more seriously than others...
Mr. President ODO: "Are you the Keymaster?"
QUARK: "Um...what?"
Mr. President "Nope. I give up. I can't find Nemo anywhere."
Mr. President "Odo, come to bed."
"Not until you tell me I'm pretty."
The Geek Quark: "Don't worry, Odo. We all felt the same way after 'These Are The Voyages...'."
jg Quark: What happened in here?
Odo: Some evil midget with a bell came in here and busted up the place
Frankie Chestnuts Quark: "What was it that you drank?"
Odo: "It was...
It was...
It was green."
Frankie Chestnuts Quark: "Hello, I'm a MAC.
Odo: "And I'm a PC. A Plastered Changeling."
The Geek And here we see the exact moment a Star Trek cast member finally realizes that he will be known only for this role- for the rest of his life.
Sylvester Damnit Quark! You said this IKEA furniture was easy to assemble.

Entries : 173People : 63

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,190 Last updated : 26 Oct 2009