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Caption Competition

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20 Feb 2005

Caption comp image


Name Caption
cudmr And so the "evil Vulcan syndrome" was finally cured when Archer found the orb of continuity.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Fat Tony Archer inadvertantly releasing "Nemisis" upon the world.
Lancel Little did Archer know that the entire three-episode plot arch was all an elaborate scheme to get him to screw in a lighbulb in the Vulcan High Command meeting chambers.
Tiberius Vulcan: "What are you doing?"
Archer: "Checking to see if it has a reflection of a guy chewing gum, like the stone in Unification..."
BlasterMaster555 Manny Coto's Magic Continuity Machine in action...
Schizo-Hal "Reply hazy... Try again later."
FL Archer "Ain't this from Fifth Element? This one must be 'wind'."
Lobster Archer: "Wow... It plays "Walk like an Egyptian"..."
The Wormhole V'las: "Well, what have you learned from your vision?"
Archer: "The spice, the worms, they are connected!"
Lobster Vulcan: "See? We invented the multimedia presentation long before the first light bulb burned on Earth!"
Randy Houle "How do you say 'deus ex machina' in Vulcan?"
Jesse Archer: "This is like the last Caption Comp. Except this is greener."
Captain Sarcastic I'm telling you I can get channel 5 on this thing.
Captain Worf Archer: I journeyed all the way through the forge, and all I got was this stupid glowing pyramid.
Xela With this device I will win every DITL Caption Competition till the end of time.
Griddles The writer of this caption would like to apologise for the fact that he cannot find anything funny to say about the above image.
unixrevolution V'Las: "The tamagochi is quite insistent that it be fed, Archer."

Entries : 357People : 159

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,386 Last updated : 20 Feb 2005