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Caption Competition

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26 Jul 2009

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Bill L. Ironically, it's Pine scented.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Captain 8472 This is your Kirk. This is your Kirk on drugs.
Captain Nathan Shatner to himself: "Yeah, we really need to fire that prop guy."
David Before Dennis Hopper, there was William Shatner.
Will Deker William Shatner: I've heard of a roast, but this is
DBB No, Kirk, you're supposed to wear the athletic cup on your... Oh, nevermind.
OlderThanTOS "There are three smells! THERE ARE THREE SMELLS!"
iBorg Sorry we couldn't get you that Darth Vader suit, Jim. You'll have to make do with this respirator for Halloween.
Guybrush "Not everyone keeps their genitals in the same place, Captain."
Pudabudigada Tonight on 'When surgery goes wrong' series 10000: Nose jobs by 'country doctors' only on SKY 1235
Scion Ninja Taste the Rainbow, Captain Kirk
Frankie Chestnuts "To Smell where No One has Smelled Before."
Bodhi After the embarrassing toupee incident, Shatner went to great lengths to ensure he never sneezed on set again.
Bodhi Punishment for trespassing on this planet is to don the Jockstrap of Evil.
Bird of Prey Kirk: "And what is the name of this, er... beautiful planet?"
Native: "Excrementia Prime!"
Kirk: "Figures..."
Bird of Prey Kirk: "So... This is the way your people consume candy?"
Man on the left: "You should feel honoured, Captain! We don't inhale our peace canndy with everyone!"
Foxbat The real reason why Shatner's version of 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' is so awful...
David Salberg Kirk prepares for Swine Flu.
SteveWD The props on Star Trek were generally pretty cool, but this one was a real stinker.
Frankie Chestnuts Shatner: "I can even make THIS stupid thing look good."
Steamrunner92 Kirk's libido helped usher in a new era of "protection".
nerd86 All in all, Shatner's worn weirder looking things on his head.
HungryHungarian Spock: 'Captain, I have heard the legends of the Vulcan Death Farts, but i believe your reaction is a bit exaggerated.'
The Geek "Kirk to Enterprise. Any chance you could beam down my dignity?"
SteveWD Yep, you guessed it, it's "The Silence of the Hams"
Frankie Chestnuts As a follow-up to the much publicized episode, "Spock's Brain", the writing staff came up with "Kirk's Nose".
nerd86 Kirk couldn't bear the idea of standing here another week being made fun of by a bunch of geeks and decided to take his own life rather than continue this torture the natives called "Caption Competition".
MtK ...and they where complaining about Michael Jacksons bad nose surgeries...

Entries : 333People : 105

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 16,031 Last updated : 26 Jul 2009