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Caption Competition

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12 Jul 2009

Caption comp image


Name Caption
HungryHungarian Reed's death was really gruesome and terrifying indeed. However, his head in a jar quickly became Enterprise's greatest attraction after the incident.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Foxbat "If you really loved me, you'd let me eat your brain..."
Foxbat "Look, I'm not calling you HAL, and you stop calling me 'Dave'."
Foxbat Like a diver in a shark suit, Malcom puts on his 'Pon Farr' suit before meeting with T'Pol.
drow T'pol: "MOOOOOOM! I found a spaceman! Can I keep him? PLEEEEEEEASE?"
drow Reed: "Seriously, cut it out. Whatever it is you're doing to my leg, stop."
drow T'pol: "This scene sucks."
Reed: "What? How so?"
T'pol: "It's Enterprise. Every scene sucks."
Sylvester Malcolm wait! Before you go, I feel the need to say....your zipper is open.
Stephen Oh my God! How long has it been since you trimmed your nose hairs?! They're going to clog the respirator!
epclarkson T'pol: Human designed space suits do come equipped with everything. You even have Blu-Ray.
Captain 8472 Reed, his homo-sextuality frightened.
McFortner Mr. Reed fails to realize that it didn't work for Dark Helmet either....
drow T'pol: "I can haz cheezburger?"
drow T'pol: "You, me, no suit, and a bucket of decon grease. What do you say?"
Reed: "Computer, emergency decompression of airlock three, please."
The Geek What happens in your environmental suit stays in your environmental suit.
Deggsy "Just stay away from any alien eggs you might find down there."
Cailus Archer: Mr Reed, you have permission to wet yourself.
Reed: Too late.
Chromedome I've heard of taking precautions when you have sex but this is ridiculous!
Chromedome This is my latest invention, a sunbed built inside a spacesuit! You get a tan while you EVA. Isn't that great?
Chromedome For the last time, I don't have swine flu!
HungryHungarian T'Pol: 'Why the protection suit, Lieutenant?'
Reed: 'Err... after your accident, the Doctor had to quarantine the ship. Because of a so-called silicone leakage.'
Frankie Chestnuts T'Pol: "Malcolm, don't close me out!"
HungryHungarian Yes, yes, it's as true as it seems: Jolene is so hot you have to quarantine yourself if you'd like to survive in her vicinity.

Entries : 221People : 77

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,166 Last updated : 12 Jul 2009