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Name | Caption |
Mr. President | "Remember, if anyone asks, they aren't carpet burns, it's Rigellian measles." |
Name | Caption |
Scion Ninja | BOM-CHICKA-BOW-WOW!!! (enough said) |
Lucky Strike | T'Pol: I feel like thousands of men from the early 21st century have been staring at my butt for the past seven days... Tucker: Don't be ridiculous, that would imply we're on some sort of competition that typically lasts one week, and where people would make inane comments about a picture that is presented to them. That is, unless the webmaster forgets or is busy, then men would be staring at you for two weeks. |
Mr. President | "Dammit, I'm not taking this lying down!" |
The Geek | Trip: "How does that feel, baby?" T'Pol: "Mmm, lower." Trip (with a deeper voice): "How does that feel, baby?" |
Captain 8472 | Trip: His probe ready. T'Pol: Her authorization denied. |
Sokratis | This photo is an optical illusion. If you stare at it long enough, eventually you'll notice the guy and the chair in the background |
The Geek | The photo that launched a thousand fanfics... |
Tsukiyumi | Trip: "Honey, I'm not complaining, but are there shoulder pads in your pajamas?" |
Blaston Phools | Trip: No, turn the other way and face toward the webcam. |
Merat | "Why are your toenails painted red?" "Even among my people, it can make us feel pretty." "Doesn't it interfere with your duty and image?" "Nah, the engines don't care." |
Tiberius | Unbelievable Foot Pleasure - the other UFP. |
Tiberius | TRIP: So, T'Pol, what do you think the winning caption will be? T'POL: I don't know, but if they could see the gas mask I have to wear because of your sweaty boot rash, it would probably be something about me being Darth Vader and speculating on why I was making those gasping noises... |
Mr. President | Star Trek III - The Search For Socks |
lexxonnet | Tpol: What's that I feel? Trip: Have you ever watched Monty Python? |
Acid | You know, I can see from here that your carpet matchs the curtains... |
The Geek | Trip: "I picked a hell of a day to give up sex." |
jg | Trip: What was this Vulcan ritual called again. T'Pol: It's called the Ritual of Your'notgettinganytonight. |
Nutso | Enterprise even makes massages look boring. |
Tsukiyumi | "Y'know, T'pol, I suggested we 69, not 77..." |
BigMac1212 | Trip: Surely, this can't be a logical way of massaging. T'Pol: It is, and don't call me Shirley. |
Schizo-Hal | Interspecies Mating got off to a slow start... |
The Geek | "... so tell me, T' Pol... do you like movies about gladiators?" |
The Geek | GAY TEST: If you noticed Trip without a shirt on before you noticed the butt in the foreground, then I have some bad news for you... |
Tobias | (Mayweather enters and bites his lip) T'Pol: Ensign, are you alright? You seem to be in pain. Mayweather: Must... not... sing... I LIKE BIG BUTTS AND I CANNOT LIE! YOU OTHER BROTHERS CAN'T DENY, THAT WHEN A GIRL WALKS IN WITH AN ITTY-BITTY WAIST AND A ROUND THING IN YOUR FACE YOU GET... |
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 20,828 | Last updated : 12 Apr 2009 |