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Caption Competition

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30 Jan 2005

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Mike Picard: And you say this has the power to make sure Rick Berman never exsisted?

Special Mention

Name Caption
Mikey "and another interesting cutom of the 20th century was something called the 'pet rock'..."
FL "And they still deny they had weapon of mass destruction"
Adrian Vash: "My preciousssss....."
Kevin P. See, when you shake it... the snow falls on the little village. Lovely.
Kevin P. And after we extract the sample from the mosquito trapped inside, we make dinosaurs.
drow "With this diamond.... THIS precious stone, I shall travel back in time and BRIBE Graham Kennedy to win the caption contest!"
blurb23 The guys from Klingon Eye for the StarFleet guy gave me this...
Spongebasedthingofdoom "Astounding... The galaxy's largest Glacier Mint!"
Lobster Picard: "How does it feel to be that helpless, Crystalline Entity??"
runciman enter the crystal maze
blurb23 Ah, so there WAS a fifth light...
Griddles Three shall be the number, and that number shall be three.

24th century Holy Hand Grenades
unixrevolution "It appears to either be the secret to cosmic power, or a mid 1920's glass doorknob."
Silent Bob Picard : "I think it wants to go home to it's wet sand."
Darbie I didn't believe you at first, but... you really DO lay eggs. Incredible.
Zeke Thorne Vash: I've seen bigger.
DanielB "...and if you hold it to your ear, you can hear the ocean!"
"That isn't the ocean, it's trying to communicate!"
=David Picard: "I see great suffering...and deep pain."
Vash: "Humanity's future?"
Picard: "Only for fans of Enterprise..."

Entries : 498People : 177

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,930 Last updated : 30 Jan 2005