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Caption Competition

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23 Jan 2005

Caption comp image


Name Caption
USS Renown Kirk's smirk resulted from feeling a Tribble where no Tribble had gone before

Special Mention

Name Caption
Praximusatrilajeyuoz Now you're SURE there's no such thing as a carnivorous tribble?
Hisrak When the Admiral said the Enterprise was going to be kept in mothballs.....
Gamingboy I'll never win a Golden Globe, or a Emmy. I oughta become..... A LAWYER!
The Pfeiff Little does the captain realize, the entire bottom half of his body has been fangoriously devoured.
Aussie Mike As you can see Mr. Bond, the white cat has gone out of style.
Mikey singing:"Nobody knows, the tribbles I've seen..."
Xela When everyone told him he was in a pile of tribbles, Kirk thought it just a metaphor
Lancel Bones: So THIS is where the girls in the fur bikinis went! I should've known...
Ruz Tribbles multiply faster than ditl caption comp entries...
FL Tamarian: "Kirk, the hatch opened"
Will Deker Hey, Kirk, you think that's frustrating? Try posting some really witty captions on DITL in the dozens, and not have even one be an honorable mention, then tell me how you'd feel...
Griddles Kirk discovers the meaning of animal magnetism
asdf Kirk desperately thinks of a way to get out of a very hairy situation
Lobster Kirk: "I could swear that I´ve just seen a beautiful Trill woman throwing the Tribbles on me..."
Silent bob "I want that door shut. Then I want an electric razor, some big kebab spikes and a barbecue! I'm going to EAT my way out of here, dammit!"
Fizzle When the battle was over, Kirk was surrounded by his slain enemies.

Entries : 568People : 177

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,845 Last updated : 23 Jan 2005