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Caption Competition

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19 Oct 2008

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Kostmayer Sorry guys, we need to reshoot that scene, there was a microphone visible.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Frankie Chestnuts This is my Phaser, this is my mike.
This is for fighting, this you don't like.
Guybrush The cast really got into character for voice-overs on the animated series.
Chromedome Kirk: Spock, analysis.
Spock: You look like an idiot, Captain
Captain Redbeard This... "microphone" of yours... is too small... for my... ego... Bring me... the Macrophone! Only it... is worthy... of William Shatner's Greatest Hits III.
DBB Kirk's stand-up comedial career was over before it began.
RedDwarfian Kirk provides definitive proof that a wizard's staff does indeed have a knob on the end.
Capt. Jethro Humans found it difficult to speak the Vulcan language. Vulcans found it equally difficult to say "a hip hop the hippie the hippie
to the hip hip hop, a you dont stop
the rock it to the bang bang boogie say up jumped the boogie
to the rhythm of the boogie, the beat", with a straight face.
ExAstris "How do you do a spoken word version of a rap song?"
"He found a way."
Captain Worf KIRK: We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill...
Blaston Phools McCoy couldnt believe it when the Captain offered to give him the infamous "Captains log".
Dennie Hebels Kirk: I want you to be completely honest with me Bones. I found this in Sulu's locker. What does it mean?
nerd86 H.M.S. Pinafore... IN SPAAAAACE!
Schizo-Hal Spock: Doctor, who is the Tambourine Man?
McCoy: I don't know Spock. But I sure am sleepy, and I've got somewhere else to go.
Space Truckin Spock sat silently in the back knowing that his song about hobbits was far better than the captains cover of Rocket Man.
Mr. President "Mr. Spock, have you ever heard of an ancient Earth ritual called Karaoke?"
RocketMan Packed my bags last night, pre flight, 0 hour nine AM. And I'm gonna be high as a kite by then......
Mr. President "Yes, Doctor, I *ahem* confiscated this item from Nurse Chapel's quarters last night. If you'd be so kind as to make sure it's returned safely to her, please."
Blaston Phools Kirk: Someone.. sabotaged the nozzle on my sonic shower, again!
drow "Gentlemen, I expect the Macarena, and I expect it NOW."
=NoPoet= Spock: "When he said 'Karaoke', I presumed he intended to ram the Romulan warbird."
Bones: "That's 'kamikaze'."
Schizo-Hal McCoy: Thank the lord, we're out of Romulan Ale.
Blaston Phools "In space, everyone can hear you sing"

Entries : 401People : 119

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,370 Last updated : 19 Oct 2008