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Caption Competition

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12 Oct 2008

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Rylan Sato Why do I have the feeling that this show will be the death of me?

Special Mention

Name Caption
IllogicalVirgo Water pistol fights with Klingons are serious business.
TThomaso The T-22 Terminator was somewhat less advanced than later iterations.
Schizo-Hal When I get home, I'm definitely inventing a sonic shower.
Niall Johnson I hate Big Brother!
Bryan Moore There was a young hero named Tucker
Who beat the everloving hell out of some guy trying to write a limerick about him...
drow "The first rule of Fight Club is that you don't crash land a shuttlepod on Mars, actually."
Skifreak Conner Trineer's reaction to learning that not only was Enterprise to be cancelled without warning, but that two has-beens from a 20 year old Trek show would actually be the stars of the series finale. And he would be killed. In flashback, no less.
BC1 Trip vs wave, after wave after wave, after wave, after wave of excitied female fans...
tlbs101 Being as this is a 44 Kilowatt Magnum, the most powerful phaser on the planet, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?
drow "Klaatu... Barada... NIC*COUGH*"
Blaston Phools Director: Ok, now i really want you to ham up this scene, im mean cheesy to the point where you can hardly keep a straight face, got it? Ok aaannnd ACTION!
nerd86 Die Hard 27: McClane in Space!!!
Acid I want to Introduce you to my little friend!
Skipbear Dirty, dirty, boy!
Steamrunner92 The lone survivor from a Vulcan Death Fart.
Dennie Hebels I am.......THE LAW!!!!
Sulu I sweat pure filth and it's soaking through my shirt.
Frankie Chestnuts Well, THAT'S a lesson I won't forget soon.
Caption Fanfiction: The line MUST be drawn HERE!
Royston Vasey Listen I was I supposed to know it was T'Pols time of the month.
RedDwarfian Ohhh, so THAT's what it does.

Entries : 388People : 103

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,916 Last updated : 12 Oct 2008