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Caption Competition

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30 Mar 2008

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Niall Johnson Say my rank. SAY MY RANK!

Special Mention

Name Caption
N'tran DS 12 Paris:"Don't call me TINY."
McFortner To Tom's delight, Kes suddenly realized that she had forgotten the safe-word.
Niall Johnson Tom be nimble,
Tom be quick,
Do things to Kes that'll make us sick!
Steamrunner92 Tom's ventriloquism act hits a rough start.
Demotox Love hurts.
Pretty Princess KES: WHOA! WRONG HOLE!
UnknownCaptioneer Ocampa Love Slave
ZebulaNebula They're just reacting to a spider the size of a Jack Russel Terrier. Perverts ...
DJ Words a guy never wants to hear "Is it in yet?"
DanielB "BAD TOUCH! Very bad touch!!"
BC1 HOLY CRAP! Harry got a promotion!
nerd86 *over communicator*: And then it's straight through the chompers.
Paris: Chompers?
Kes: Screw that!
Tyrridon It was true! Kes really was a puppet!!
Niall Johnson Square peg in a round hole.
Captain 8472 Tom: I hope you're ready.
Kes: Just pull the damn wax strip!
igr56uk sorry darling, neelix wants a lung
igr56uk would paris actually be considered a paedophile seeing how kes is only 4 ?
Melllvar Kes: There's always time for lubricant!
Cailus Only now do we realise where Jack Nicholson has been hiding all these years.
Q Paris believed in keeping with traditions, especially ones started by fellow helmsmen...
pravda Paris: I've heard tales about what women can do with ping-pong balls, but bowling balls?

Entries : 238People : 84

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,863 Last updated : 30 Mar 2008