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Caption Competition

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8 Jul 2007

Caption comp image


Name Caption
nerd86 The most awkward elevator ride ever.

Special Mention

Name Caption
igr56uk i am returning this singing dummy, molly doesnt like him singing gary glitter songs
igr56uk Quarks holosuite programme grew more and more risque for o'briens tastes
SenatorVreenak "Just to make sure: the safety word is "Banana", right?"
Foxbat "How much?"
"Come again?"
"How much for the gimp? I want to buy your gimp."
Foxbat "I'd like to register a complaint about this Tosk I bought not a half hour ago from this very station!"
BC1 Alien Hunter: i hate fanfiction....
Jason T O'Brien: "Okay, you can keep him. But you have to promise to feed and walk him every day."
nerd86 O'Brian: He who wishes to cross must answer me these questions three, 'ere the other side he see.
Hunter: Look I'm just trying to walk my dog.
Demotox O'brien: "Inter-Species Erotica you say?"
Ty. G O'Brian: You may take his life... but you'll never take HIS FREEDOM!
Ty. G CRY HAVOK! And let slip the Tosk of war!
jg An Orion Slave Girl, before they put on make-up.
jg Hunter: How do you like my new pet Gorn.
O'Brian: That's not a Gorn.
Hunter: Sure it is. That Ferengi you call Quark told me it was a genuine Gorn. He even gave me a letter of authentications.
Odo (Offscreen): QUARK! Are you selling counterfeit Gorn to the newcomers again.
ExAstris "Such arrogance. I would wager that you are not even morally ambiguous in the Mirror Universe O'Brien!"
jg Hunter: And let this be a warning to you and the station. This is what happens when a vole gets to close to a plasma condit. Make sure you keep them cleared of voles.
ExAstris Tosk, "Oh my gosh! His shoes totally do not match his outfit! Ugh, those were like so last year."

Entries : 18People : 10

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 14,707 Last updated : 8 Jul 2007