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Caption Competition

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17 Jun 2007

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Name Caption
nerd86 For Kim... a dream come true.
For Kirk... a slow Wednesday.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Lynn Campbell Harry finds out that it's not called the Trans-Gender Nebula for nothing.
Chromedome Kim: Look, no means no. OK? Not maybe. What kind of a guy do you think I am?
Women: Desperate?
Kim: OK. You got me.
mwhittington This is proof that Harry Kim is the 24th century version of Hikaru Sulu: An Asian man in a room full of beautiful, sensuous women.... and it's obvious he's really uncomfortable.
MIkey "Yeah, yeah... I know what's going to happen. One of you will use me to cheat on a race, one will turn into a cow, one will leave alone with a horny Klingon woman..."
The Steve There was a young ensign named Harry
Who really was as happy as Larry
He got some hot chicks
Then went a bit thick
Because he didn't know which one to marry
kalin I don't understand, women, paying attention to ME?
zeppelinmage Ooh, look what we found, mother! Can we keep it?
Pinky & the Brain It is indeed a good day to die!
morny Im sorry girls but i told you no pets in the house if you wana keep him your gonna have to look after him and get him neutered.
Kim: No way!
Wacky "I'm sorry. it's just that Neelix dumped a vat of Lynx over me this morning and I haven't been able to shower yet."
Tiberius Listen very carefully, Harry. That young woman in the back is actually a Terminator. You have been targetted for termination. Come with us if you want to live.
FL Harcourt Fenton Kim!
jg Star Trek XI: Band Camp
Foxbat What the ensign doesn't know is, we've replaced the normal space hotties with 5 Salt Vampires from M-113. Let see what happens!
Niall Johnson Best Star Trek convention ever!
nerd86 Kim: *sigh* The one behind me just put a "Kick me" sign on my back didn't she?
Bryan Moore 6 people in the room, and not a one with balls.
Merat Welcome, brave sir Knight. Welcome to the Castle Anthrax.
Hisrak Harry Kim, the only straight man in the galaxy who can have a grump on whilst surrounded by so many gorgeous women.
Ty. G Today on Jerry Springer: Polygamist Asians and the aliens who love them.
Greger In this altenate universe Harry scored all the time, Mayweather gave long speeches, Quark was a buddist munk and William Shatner was a world renound soprano.
LeSmurf Harry Kim, his pants stretched.

Entries : 333People : 106

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 16,357 Last updated : 17 Jun 2007