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Caption Competition

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27 May 2007

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McFortner When Star Trek was canceled, Shatner got ambitious in what he wanted to take home from the set....

Special Mention

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Tsukiyumi Hey... Is that the new 'Ipod Belt'?
igr56uk now i have tried mouth to mouth, now i will start mouth to breast, kiss of life of course, followed by the ruddy good seeing too of life
McFortner Not even the super-science of the Kelvans could crate a chastity belt that could stop Captain Kirk!
drow There once was a captain named Kirk,
who thought it a strange sort of quirk,
that his shirt always ripped,
yet the girl's never slipped,
perhaps a gay scriptwriter at work?
Basosz "My preciousssss...."
OlderThanTOS It is a little known fact that Kirk, like Worf, has his own specialized calisthenics program.
ThomasJBryant The next time Kirk would feel this amorous would be on Rura Penthe when he was litterally face-to-face with himself.
Lynn Campbell Budget restraints meant that at times they couldn’t even afford actors and had to replace them with mannequins that the actors themselves would have to move around.
t_zaitsev "Time to move Babe #6,472 out to make room for Babe #6,473. Anyone want a left-over?"
Wacky " "Does this Rag Smell like Chloroform...?" Best pick up line ever..."
Admiral Ed "Drop dead gorgeous" has a new meaning for Captain Kirk
John Well I guess ran out of red shirts and are starting to knock off the blues...
nerd86 In the time it took Kirk to knock out this girl and ravage her James Bond blew up two tanks, made love to three female assasins sent to kill him, stop an evil overlord from taking over the world, and build a lovely model of the Eiffel tower out of Belgian waffles. Thus proving that as manly as he is, Kirk will always be only second best.
McFortner Kirk: It's no use playing dead honey. In fact, it kinda turns me on....
Tiberius Boy, they really look fake when you take them out of the box, but they're so lifelike when you inflate them! Mr Scott, prepare the puncture repair kit!
jg Kirk: Spock, send word to Starfleet. Silicone deposits on this planetiod are worth exploring further.
Admiral Ed It's time for the Captain's Log...
Gregor Mendell Kirk: Must resist urge to go "Bow chicka bow wow." God damn it!
Ty. G Gene Rodenbarry: This was actually William's most dangerous scene. He didn't realize that if he'd put his face any closer, he would have poked his eyes out...
EDP Kirk: Her father will kill me...

Entries : 318People : 119

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 16,196 Last updated : 27 May 2007