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Caption Competition

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30 Apr 2007

Caption comp image


Name Caption
nerd86 Crusher:"Here's the body."
Geordi:"I'm not dead!"
Crusher:"Shut up you'll be stone dead in a moment."
Worf:"He says hes not dead."
Crusher:"He's really very ill."
Worf:"Can't take him it's against regulations."
Data:"Isn't there somehting you can do?"
Geordi:"I feel happ. I feel happy."

Special Mention

Name Caption
Premonition_45 And then, the Daystrom Institute's servers crashed from all the Biggus Dickus jokes.
Lee Cruising through alternate timelines: cool
Wearing a command track red shirt: great
Realizing that it's the yellow shirt guys who suffer untimely deaths: priceless
Pinky & the Brain Data: What is a Brazilian?
Doublemint Star Trek XI: The Wrath of Graham
Swift Data: *to Worf* "Oh my god, you killed Geordi!"
Crusher: "You bastard!"
Jonas CSI: USS Enterprise
ThomasJBryant The little napkins are for the cocktail weiners.
Niall Johnson Yes, he accidentally brutally horribly cut himself and bled to death shaving.
truevaliance Worf: "Oh my, what happened to Geordi?"
Data: "A game of Duck Hunt on the holodeck. The holographic Dick Cheney shot him in the face."
Niall Johnson Worf: "Look, his will clearly said that I get his uniform."
Data: "I notice the will is written in Klingon, and the words 'most handsome and well hung on the ship' is crossed out and 'dear comerade Worf is written alongside."
Worf: "Bugger."
Data: "That brings up another observation..."
Mikey "...and just before he passed out, he muttered something about his name being Kunta..."
Mr. President Troi: "I don't want to alarm anyone but there's something moving under that cloth."
CaptnQuantum Crusher: As you will observe, his is of average length for an adult male, although much shorter than a Klingon's. How long is yours Data?
Data: Actually, Doctor, mine is teelscopic. With a zoom lens.
Crusher: Alright, so that concludes this meeting of the Enterprise photography club.
ExAstris "Look, even Geordi is not immune! If we don't get a plan soon, Graham Kennedy will have his way and we'll ALL be naked in an upcoming caption competition!"
Wacky "Yes, Worf. This IS a bad porn movie, and we DO need you to take your clothes off. Now."
nerd86 Worf:"So where's the cake?"
Crusher:"No dear, wake. I said join us for Geordi's wake."
Hisrak Carry On Matron: The Next Generation

Entries : 303People : 101

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,117 Last updated : 30 Apr 2007