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Caption Competition

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8 Apr 2007

Caption comp image


Name Caption
Foxbat We've come to ask you if you've accepted Jesus Christ as your personal saviour, and here's a copy of the Watchtower...

Special Mention

Name Caption
OlderThanTOS Cartoon Physics in Action: The Kazon won't explode until they notice that they are floating in the vacuum of space.
Ciarán D The Kazon quickly discovered that "Maximum transporter range" really does mean maximum.
Ciarán D When the engines went offline, "Get out and push" probably wasn't Janeway's best idea to date.
Demotox Why Do Kazon
Suddenly Appear
Every Time
Voyager is Near
ZebulaNebula NOBODY tries the 'pull my finger' trick on Kes and lives.
Captain Nathan In space, all warriors are cold warriors...especially when they are dead.
ThomasJBryant In space, no one can hear you scream.
USSChicago I think they were right. This ISN'T a holodeck.
Dan C. These guys took the whole idea of "getting away from it all" a bit too far.
Bryan Moore Kazon's off the forward bow, forward bow, forward bow.
Kazon's off the forward bow, forward bow, forward bow.
Star Trekkin across the universe!
Skipbear The Kazon were quick to develop thier own "red shirt" torpedo technology but were not quite as subtle about it.
The Wormhole This is what happens when you go out in space without your towel.
Foxbat CLOWNS... IN... SPACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Captain Worf Although the Kazon won their war against the Talarians, there were some casualties...
Hisrak Kazon 1: It's at times like this that I wish I'd listened to what my mother told me when I was young.
Kazon 2: Why, what did she say?
Kazon 1: I don't know, I didn't listen!
Q Floating through space is relaxing
until it becomes rather taxing
you lose all your air
and can hardly bare
the loss of utter relaxing

Entries : 364People : 110

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,034 Last updated : 8 Apr 2007