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Caption Competition

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28 Jan 2007

Caption comp image


Name Caption
IAmNotSpock This is a transporter accident just waiting to happen.

Special Mention

Name Caption
ThomasJBryant Exactly *what* is he doing to Dr. Cochrane's statue?
CaptnQuantum Ok, we're looking to cast a comic relief character. Maybe a hairdresser to Picard. We might throw in some gags about the plumbing system. Now who would be best for that role? Hmmm...
silee Someone's been holding their breath for an awfully long time...
My Name Is Nobody Starfleet Captain: Alright now I've already chosen your more attractive classmates to be my senior staff. You in the blue, you'll be a token background alien. Those of you in gold will stand in the background and look busy in engineering. The rest of you will serve as phaser fodde...I mean valuable participants on away missions.
Pinky & the Brain Wesley (off screen)
You are individuals!
The Group
Yes we are all individuals
Wesley: You can think for youselves, you dont need a Messiah!
Yes your right we dont need a Messiah, we can think for ourselves.
Bolian: Excuse me, What do we do now?
Denis Le Menoir This is a picture from a popular children's book called 'Spot the Bolian'.
Jack "We have to stop letting Graham choose the office costume party theme."
ThomasJBryant Cadets, their acting bad.
Mr. President "One, two, there, theeeerrrrreee's Klingons on the starboard bow, starboard bow, starboard bow. There's Klingons on the starboard bow..."
Bodhi As they watched the latest batch of bodybags arrive from the front lines, Cadet Smith of the class of '75 was feeling a little blue.
Toolpusher The elite Starfleet "standing completely still" unit on exercise.
Mikey voice on PA: "...Repeat: there is NO open casting for 'Star Trek XI' today..."
McFortner Kirk (offscreen): Spread out... You look like a cadet review!
Schizo-Hal Don't ever tell Trekkies their convention is cancelled.
Hisrak Is your garden dull and boring? Are you having trouble impressing your guests? Then get yourself a BLOW-UP STARFLEET CADET, and make your garden truly 24th Century! (Leeta edition also available)
Rat Boy Vulcan: "Nobody expects the Starfleet Inquisition!"
Foxbat "Now pay attention class, this is known as the Kirk Seduction maneuver.."
Rat Boy Leeta apparently forgot to close her drapes again.
jg As if the group was thinking with one mind, They knew what had to be done. The mime had to die.
Mikey poster art from "Star Trek XI: The Stepford Cadets"
jg Vulcan cadet: I've been thinking, are there any actual cadets here.
Cadet on left: I'm a member of Species 8472
Cadet on right: I'm a changling.
Blond cadet: I'm actual a Cardassian.
Bolian candidate: I'm a Bolian, but I'm working for the Maqui.
Blond cadet behind the Bolian: I'm a cadet, but I'm working for Section 31.
Vulcan cadet: That's what I thought' I would report all of you if I wasn't a Romulan.

Entries : 339People : 101

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,858 Last updated : 28 Jan 2007