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Caption Competition

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19 Nov 2006

Caption comp image


Name Caption
ZebulaNebula Doctor: I knew you were a brown-noser, Tom, but this is ridiculous.

Special Mention

Name Caption
Stevo Never use a spacesuit when you have diarrhea
ThomasJBryant Looks like the Great Bird of the Galaxy did more than roost on your homeworld!
Mr. President "Please state the nature of the sanitary emergency."
P47 Doctor: This will teach you a lesson. If you don't know what it does, leave the button alone.
Foxbat "Join us next week for the exciting conclusion of Captain Proton verses Crap-otica!"
Denis Le Menoir Paris: "What's your diagnosis, doc?"
EMH: "I'm gonna go out a limb here and suggest diarrhea."
Cpt. James T. Holodeck technology is used to create the first virtual walk-through colonoscopy...
Mr. President Lieutenant Paris was too late in getting to his post when the klaxon sounded for "brown alert".
FL EMH: "As seen here is Mr Paris after some night time activities on Deck 12 section 9."
BikerWolf "Janeway to the holodeck: Doctor, are you watching dirty movies again?!"
Enzo Aquarius And thus Paris finally learned the difference between an elephant's tail and it's trunk.
RV Latent Image, one of the less successful rip offs of Skin of Evil.
TThomaso Seagulls of the 24th century had become much more troublesome than their ancestors.
Captain Worf Doctor: I'm sorry Lieutenant, but I can't allow you to enter the caption competition. I know you're trying to be funny, but you're not even fairly clean.
XZB Here's mud in everything but your eye.
Wacky "I would mock you but quite frankly the challenge is gone."
Tiberius What's brown and sounds like a bell? Dung!

Entries : 309People : 106

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 15,453 Last updated : 19 Nov 2006