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Name | Caption |
Jason F. | Torres: One klingon made penis enlarger pump. Chakotay: Its not mine! Torres: One credit card recipt for Klingon made penis enlarger...signed by Chakotay. Chakotay: I'm telling you baby, its not mine! Torres: One warranty card for Klingon made penis enlarger pump...filled out by Chakotay. Chakotay: I dont even know what this thing is! This sort of thing ain't my bag, baby! Torres: One book; "Klingon Made Penis Enlarger Pumps and Me: This Sort of Thing is My Bag Baby" by Chakotay. |
Name | Caption |
Hisrak | Chakotay: Okay, B'elanna, time to test the new photon grenades. What are the instructions? B'elanna: "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three. No more. No less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then, lobbest thou thy holy photon grenade towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it." |
CaptainGibbles | Chekotay: So just because I am the "spiritual one" the bong must automatically be mine! |
Silent Bob | B'Elanna nonchalantly tested out her Big Jerk detector. |
JTK | Torres: “Seven said this was the one Borg implant she just wasn’t willing to give up—now I understand why.” |
Sondak | "We don't what it is or where it came from, but the word 'iPod' was inscribed on it." |
Jack | Chakotay: What the...? Torres: Tom has Alice. I have Squeaky. |
Bill Ding | Chakotay: Oooo, aren't you the lucky lady... |
Kevin P. | No, Commander, you are mistaken. Most people think that science and technology are dominated by males, but that's a phallus-y. |
Kevin P. | It's hard to say this to a superior officer, but the machine doesn't lie. The clear reading I'm getting from it is that you're a huge d*ck. |
Lazar | Chakotay: The situation has just deteriorated - we need to switch from yellow alert to red alert! B'Elanna: Just a sec, let me change the bulb. |
Lucky Strike | Chakotay: That sort of thing is my bag...baby... |
McFortner | You know that there is no way Tom can measure up to that thing! |
ZebulaNebula | Chakotay: How's the instalation on HAL 9000 coming? |
Xela | B'Elanna: This is not what I meant by bring the shuttle back in one piece. |
Dennie Hebels | B'Elanna: Good morning and welcome to Voyager FM. Today we have commander Chakotay in the studio and he's going to explain why every Chakotay centered episode is so boring. |
Brian Phillips | Chakotay, his penis assimilted. |
Graeme A Carter | A little souvenir from Automated Personnel Unit 3947... |
Mikey | "This is in fact the pole that was up the captain's ass." |
Griddles | Chakotay: B'Elanna, I know you are Klingon, but I do NOT want you doing knob'leth practice in the middle of engineering! |
© Graham & Ian Kennedy | Page views : 22,782 | Last updated : 6 Aug 2006 |