Reviewer : |
Moonprince |
Ave Rating : |
3.9091 for 33 reviews |
Title : |
A Time for War, A Time for Peace |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Keith R.A. DeCandido |
Year : |
2004 |
Review : |
Out of all the "A Time for" books, I have to say this is my favorite. The story is top notch and Keith did a great job cleaning up some loose ends and setting up for his next book, "Articles of the Federation. |
Title : |
Avenger |
Rating : |
Writers : |
William Shatner |
Year : |
1997 |
Review : |
While a halfway decent book, It is not my favorite. The storyline just falls short of greatness in my eyes. |
Title : |
Battle Lines |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Dave Galanter, Greg Brodeur |
Year : |
1999 |
Review : |
I am sorry to say this but this is really one of the worst Voyager books I have read in a long time. The story just did not move me and the characters seemed flat to me. So I give this book a very low 2. |
Title : |
Best Destiny |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Diane Carey |
Year : |
1992 |
Review : |
Diane Carey books are not normaly favorites of mine but this book has become one of my personal favorites. The story line is great, the characters are all 3d and it does a great job in showing some of the forces that shaped the James T. Kirk we all know and love. |
Title : |
Bloodletter |
Rating : |
Writers : |
K.W. Jeter |
Year : |
1993 |
Review : |
While I an not normaly a big fan of any book written while a show is in its first season, Bloodletter is a very intersting read. The story is halfway decent and while I find the Cardassians a little flat, the author really did a good job bringing out Kira's feelings. |
Title : |
Cathedral |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Andy Mangels, Michael A. Martin |
Year : |
2002 |
Review : |
A very good part of the DS9 relaunch, Andy and Michael do a very good job of keeping the back story on the station believable, while at the same time using the GQ story line to show true insites into three of the main characters: Dax, Bashir, and Nog. A great story, kinda wish we would of seen more of Shar's thoughts regarding Thriss thought. |
Title : |
Dark Passions - Book 1 |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Susan Wright |
Year : |
2001 |
Review : |
A great book showing what life is like in the Mirror universe. The story line is interesting and I can honestly say I had a hard time putting this book down. In my opinion, a spectaclar read. |
Title : |
Dark Passions - Book 2 |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Susan Wright |
Year : |
2001 |
Review : |
A great continuation from the first book. Susan did a great job showing what I think of as the dark side of our favorite Star Trek characters. In my opinion, a fantatstic read for anyone who loves the Mirror universe or wonders about the dark side of Star Trek |
Title : |
Death of a Neutron Star |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Eric Kotani |
Year : |
1999 |
Review : |
A decent Voyager book, I felt the storyline could of been a little better, and the the characters were just a little flat. Still, I have read worce in my day so I give this book a 3 |
Title : |
Demons of Air and Darkness |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Keith R.A. De Candido |
Year : |
2001 |
Review : |
A great part of the DS9 relaunch, this book shows me once again that Keith R.A. DeCandido has the potenial to become one of the greatest Star Trek writers ever. This book will be a great read for any DS9 or Iconian Gateway fans. |
Title : |
Dujonian's Hoard |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Michael Jan Friedman |
Year : |
1998 |
Review : |
Part of the Captain's table series, this book was one of my favorites as it got Picard away from the Enterprise for a little while. Allowed us to see him get down and dirty but still holding on to his convections. A great read for any Picard fan out there. |
Title : |
Echoes |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Dean Wesley Smith, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Nina Kiriki Hoffman |
Year : |
1998 |
Review : |
I found this story to be somewhat intersting if one likes one mind to be challanged. The story is hard to follow at times but the ending is true trek. All in all a decent read if you got time to figure out. Don't read this if you have a headache though. |
Title : |
Enterprise: The First Adventure |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Vonda N. McIntyre |
Year : |
1986 |
Review : |
While it no longer correct with trek history, this story is a great read. The story is very entertaining, the characters seem real, and it plugs in the gaps in some areas of trekdom. If you can find this book I truly recommend reading it. Its worth getting. |
Title : |
Fallen Heroes |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Dafydd ab Hugh |
Year : |
1994 |
Review : |
I will never ever forget this book for as long as I live. This was the first trek book I ever read and it started my love affair with star trek novels. The story is well written, the story gripping, the characters true to life. This novel will always be in my top 5 star trek books of all time. A great read. I highly recommend it to any and all. |
Title : |
Fire Ship |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Diane Carey |
Year : |
1998 |
Review : |
This book shows you can take the captain away from her ship but you can take the captain out of the woman. Janeway shines in this book. |
Title : |
Hollow Men |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Una McCormack |
Year : |
2005 |
Review : |
I am a big fan of most DS9 books but this one had me falling asleep. The story line was really nonexisitent and what story was there moved way too slow. I am sorry but this book falls far from the mark. |
Title : |
Millennium: Book 1 : The Fall of Terok Nor |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Garfield Reeves-Stevens, Judith Reeves-Stevens |
Year : |
2000 |
Review : |
The Millennium series is one of the best ever written. The story grabs you right from the begining and never lets you go. This book is a good opening. |
Title : |
Millennium: Book 2 : The War of the Prophets |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Garfield Reeves-Stevens, Judith Reeves-Stevens |
Year : |
2000 |
Review : |
A great second part for the Millennium series. Any fan of DS9 will love this book. |
Title : |
Mosaic |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Jeri Taylor |
Year : |
1996 |
Review : |
A great book that shows readers what make Kathryn Janeway into the Captain we have all come to know and (some of us) love. Jeri has a great way of telling her story and I have to say I have proably read this book over 50 times and I have yet to tire of it. |
Title : |
Once Burned |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Peter David |
Year : |
1998 |
Review : |
I am not really a fan of the NF series of books but this book was a great read. Not a five for me but for any NF fan it would easily be a 6 |
Title : |
Proud Helios |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Melissa Scott |
Year : |
1995 |
Review : |
A pretty weak DS9 book. The start of the story is okay, but I have to say the ending is very weak. |
Title : |
Rihannsu Book 1 : My Enemy, My Ally |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Diane Duane |
Year : |
1984 |
Review : |
I was turned onto the Rihannsu series by a friend of mine. Told me that I would not regret it and if I could I needed to get my hands on all four books. Well I listned to her. Did something I had never done till then, ordered them on Amazon because I couldn't get them local. I have to say I have never regreted getting them. My Enemy, My Ally is one of the best books ever written period. |
Title : |
Rihannsu Book 4 : Honor Blade |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Diane Duane |
Year : |
2000 |
Review : |
I was turned onto the Rihannsu series by a friend of mine. Told me that I would not regret it and if I could I needed to get my hands on all four books. Well I listned to her. Did something I had never done till then, ordered them on Amazon because I couldn't get them local. I have to say I have never regreted getting them. But Honor Blade, while a good story, was not worth the money. The book really should of been combined with Swordhunt. Still, the continuation of the story is good and Diane does know how to do the Rihannsu right. |
Title : |
Rising Son |
Rating : |
Writers : |
S.D. Perry |
Year : |
2003 |
Review : |
This book gives some much needed focus on Jake Sisko. The story is fun, intersting, and very entertaining. A good read for any DS9 fan. |
Title : |
Rogue Saucer |
Rating : |
Writers : |
John Vornholt |
Year : |
1996 |
Review : |
While I agree with the last reviewer, I think the story line was a little better then simply flat. At least the parts with Ro and the Maquis. |
Title : |
Rules of Engagement |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Peter Morwood |
Year : |
1990 |
Review : |
A very decent book. The Klingons have more substence then most old TOS books I have read. The story is well written and I do recommend this book for any TOS fan. |
Title : |
Saratoga |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Michael Jan Friedman |
Year : |
1996 |
Review : |
A very good book that forces Sisko to deal again with the trama of his wife's death, along with comming to terms that people change and that yesterday's friends can be today's enemy. |
Title : |
Serpents Among the Ruins |
Rating : |
Writers : |
David R. George III |
Year : |
2003 |
Review : |
A great book that ties in the early carrer of Vaughn, what happened with the Tomed disaster, and the story of the Enterprise-B. I have to say I would recommend this to any DS9 relaunch/TOS fan. |
Title : |
Rihannsu Book 5 : The Empty Chair |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Diane Duane |
Year : |
2006 |
Review : |
A great book finishing up one of the best series of all time. I had a hard time putting this book down. It does a nice job of wrapping up the story line. My only wish was that it wouldn't of taken over 5 years to get the series finished. |
Title : |
Rihannsu Book 3 : Swordhunt |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Diane Duane |
Year : |
2000 |
Review : |
I was turned onto the Rihannsu series by a friend of mine. Told me that I would not regret it and if I could I needed to get my hands on all four books. Well I listned to her. Did something I had never done till then, ordered them on Amazon because I couldn't get them local. I have to say I have never regreted getting them. While Swordhunt isnt as good as the two books before, the story is decent and the characters are true to what Rihannsu should be. |
Title : |
Burning Dreams |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Margaret Wander Bonanno |
Year : |
2006 |
Review : |
I am not really a fan of the original series but this book is one fantastic read. The story is great, the characters are truly believable and the story does a good job of weaving between what we know about Pike from bits and peices from episodes. All in all I recommend this book for any fan of TOS or really any fan of good trek fiction. |
Title : |
Rihannsu Book 2 : The Romulan Way |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Diane Duane, Peter Morwood |
Year : |
1987 |
Review : |
I was turned onto the Rihannsu series by a friend of mine. Told me that I would not regret it and if I could I needed to get my hands on all four books. Well I listened to her. Did something I had never done till then, ordered them on Amazon because I couldn't get them local. I have to say I have never regreted getting them. The Romulan Way is a fantastic read with two great stories in one. |
Title : |
Articles of the Federation |
Rating : |
Writers : |
Keith R.A. DeCandido |
Year : |
2005 |
Review : |
Another grand slam home run for Keith. This book is just amazing. The characters are so real, and the story just grabs you. A first class look at the inter workings of the federation goverment. |