Title : |
Destiny Book 1 : Gods of Night |
Writers : |
David Mack |
Published : |
2008 |
Publisher : |
Pocket Books |
ISBN : |
1416551719 |
Rating : |
Editions : |
The Destiny series is something of a landmark in the history of Trek novels. During the production of TV series and movies in the pre-Abrams era, the writers had to work within fairly strict guidelines. Although novels were never regarded as canonical, it was expected that they would not contradict the live action shows egregiously - so for instance you couldn't kill off Captain Picard in a book, because he was expected to be alive to appear in future movies or episodes. Now with the Abrams reboot (actually parallel reality), there is no longer any expectation of further TV shows or movies, and so most of those restrictions have been removed. The Destiny trilogy takes that ball and runs with it, bigtime! We're given two storylines which will eventually intersect; the first explores the fate of the NX-02. Badly damaged at the onset of the Earth-Romulan war, the ship limps to a nearby system at high impulse - meaning that whilst only a couple of months pass for the crew, years pass for the rest of the universe. Arriving, they find themselves imprisoned by the Caeliar, an incredibly advanced species determined to remain unknown by other species. Meanwhile in the TNG era, the Borg launch an invasion of the Federation. It's often wondered why the Borg never come in force, only sending one ship at a time. Well, here they are coming in force and how! And their intent is not to assimilate anybody, but to completely wipe out pretty much every major power in the Alpha Quadrant. Can our heroes stop the Borg? Can Captain Hernandez escape the Caeliar? Onyl time (and Books 2 and 3) will tell...