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Sector 001

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Battle image Sector 001
The Borg arrive at Earth. [1] By this time, the Federation fleet had been in a running battle for several days and had lost over three hundred ships.
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Defiant fires on the Borg cube. Note the extensive damage to the starboard nacelle. [1]
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The Enterprise-E arrives at the battle scene. [1] The shields of the Sovereign class were specially designed to take this kind of punishment from the Borg. The ship in the bottom part of the image is a Saber class.
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The Enterprise-E fires her Type 12 phasers in anger for the first time. The devastating power of these weapons proved more than equal to expectations. [1]
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Here a Steamrunner class vessel fires her main phaser while an Akira prepares to fire photon torpedoes. Both classes featured prominently in the battle. [1]
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The Starfleet ships finally discovered a vulnerable point on the Borg ship - and exploited it fully! [1]
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This image of the Borg cube disintergrating also shows the spherical escape pod launched in a last-ditch attempt to assimilate Earth. [1]
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The Akira-class USS Thunderchild escapes the Borg cubes destruction. Several ships where lost in this blast. [1]
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The Enterprise-E is seen here following the Borg sphere through a temporal rift. [1]
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Quantum torpedoes race in as the Borg sphere fires on 2063 Earth. [1]
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The sphere proved to be poorly equipped to handle the firepower of a Starfleet battlecruiser. Several Borg transported to the Enterprise and attempted to assimilate the ship in order to carry out their plans. [1]

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Canon source Backstage source Novel source DITL speculation


# Series Season Source Comment
1 Star Trek : First Contact
Film: Star Trek : First Contact

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 107,540 Last updated : 23 May 2004