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Vaadwaur Battle

Name : Vaadwaur Battle
Universe : Prime Timeline
Year : 2376

In early 2376 Voyager inadvertently trespassed into underspace corridors under the control of the Turei. The Turei demanded access to Voyagers computers in order to wipe out all information concerning the corridors, which Captain Janeway naturally declined. The Turei vessel responded by firing on Voyager, crippling the ship and forcing it to land on a nearby planet.

The planet proved to be the home world of the Vaadwaur, ancient enemies of the Turei long thought extinct after a great war. In fact many Vaadwaur had been hiding in stasis for some nine centuries. Voyager, believing the Vaadwaur to be victims of the aggressive Turei, planned a joint venture to escape the planet and the Turei fleet now orbiting it. In fact the Vaadwaur had been an aggressive species and immediately began to plot to regain at least a fraction of their former dominance of the region. When Captain Janeway realized what they were planning to do she decided to limit the number of armed ships they would use in the operation. The Vaadwaur replied by attacking Voyager with several squadrons of attack craft.

Voyager had to fight its way up from the surface of the planet while greatly outnumbered by the Vaadwaur ships. Despite poor sensor performance and eventual battle damage to the targeting sensors which forced a switch to manual targeting Voyager performed amazing feats of targeting during the battle, scoring direct hits even when firing three arrays simultaneously.

Nevertheless, the sheer number of Vaadwaur ships threatened to overwhelm the ships defences. Voyager contacted the Turei forces orbiting the planet and assisted them in targeting the Vaadwaur ships, giving them time to get out of the planets thermosphere and engage warp drive. The Starfleet vessel escaped safely, leaving the Turei and Vaadwaur fleets to battle one another.

The Vaadwaur suffered heavily in this battle, but fifty two of their vessels escaped into the underspace corridors. It is more than likely that Voyager has not yet seen the last of this species. [1]

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# Series Season Source Comment
1 VOY 6 Dragon's Teeth
Series : VOY Season 6
Episode : Dragon's Teeth

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Page views : 45,992 Last updated : 15 Apr 2004