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Small Quiz - Quotes

1. Who said "I'm tired of being responsible for 203 lives, and I'm tired of deciding which mission is too risky and which isn't, and who's going on the landing party and who doesn't... and who lives, and who dies."?

2. In which episode does Makbar say "Once again the Cardassian system of jurisprudence has worked to protect it's people. A guilty man has been brought to justice. But, never let it be said that there is no room in this system for compassion. I sense in Mister O'Brien, a man with strong family ties, the potential for rehabilitation. And I'm sure he has gained a new appreciation of Cardassian law through this difficult process. Therefore, I am pleased, in the spirit of furthering Cardassian-Federation relations, to hereby set aside the verdict and to release Mister O'Brien into the custody of his Commander, Benjamin Sisko."?

3. Who said "If you remember what we were and how we lived, then we will have found life again."?

4. Who said "Sounds to me like we have only postponed the invasion until... what? The 24th century?"?

5. Who said "You'll do so much with this pain. You'll save worlds with it."?

© Graham & Ian Kennedy Questions played : 17,355 Last updated : 14 Mar 2025